Enjoy a French-inspired four-course dinner this Friday, Oct. 23, at the Beach Plum Inn and help the Charter School environmental activists attend a climate summit in Paris this December. Last October, the 11th and 12th graders traveled to the People’s Climate March in New York City as part of their yearlong integrated sustainability studies. Since then, they have remained engaged in environmental activism on a local scale, working with Rep. Tim Madden to pass a farm-to-school bill, creating a seed library with Island Grown Initiative, and implementing a compost program at the Charter School. The $75 cost of Friday’s dinner will help the group attend the United Nations Conference of Parties to discuss stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions. Tickets are available for 5 pm and 7:15 pm seatings by calling 508-693-9900 or emailing parisfundraiser@gmail.com.