Cape Light Compact (CLC) announced its 12-month residential electricity rates last week. Starting after the January meter reads, residential electricity will cost 9.613 cents per kilowatt hour, according to a press release. CLC said that this will equal $33.63 in savings compared with last year’s rate, which was 15.371 cents per kilowatt hour.
CLC’s commercial rates for the winter and spring will be 10.927 cents per kilowatt hour. Last year’s price was 14.3 per kilowatt hour. The current industrial rate of 10.007 cents per kilowatt hour will continue through the January 2016 meter reads. The new industrial price will be 10.675 cents for the period beginning after the January 2016 meter read and ending with the April 2016 meter read.
When the electrical industry was deregulated, power companies had to choose whether to be in the distribution or supply business. CLC is a public energy services organization created in 1997 to work with the combined buying power of the region’s 200,000 electric consumers to negotiate for low-cost electricity and other public benefits related to energy.
CLC was authorized by 21 towns and two counties on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard to choose the electric supplier for their residents and businesses. Eversource owns and maintains the poles and wires, and is responsible for billing.
For more information about CLS, call or email Austin Brandt at 508-375-6623 or