Poetry contest seeking submissions


The Voices of Peace Poetry Contest, celebrating its 21st anniversary this year, is looking for submissions. Entries should focus on thoughts of peace, abolition of war, inner peace, ways war can be avoided, or examples of nonviolent attitudes and actions. The contest is open to all Cape and Islands poets. Entries will be judged against poems from the same age group (K-12, and adult).

First-honors recipients will receive $25; second honors will receive a $15 gift certificate from a local bookstore; honorable mentions will be given certificates. All winners will be invited to read their work at a public gathering on April 30, 2016, at the South Congregational Church in Centerville. Winners will also receive an award certificate and copy of the published book of all winning poems.

Last year, the contest received over 714 entries from 22 schools and adults across the Cape. The contest is sponsored by Corporal Jeffrey M. Lucey Cape Cod Chapter 041 Veterans for Peace.

The deadline for submissions is 5 pm, on Friday, April 1, 2016. Entries should be mailed to: Veterans for Peace, c/o Max Money, 39 Muskeget Lane, Centerville, MA 02632. For more information, please contact Nina Tepper at 413-265-1851, by email at teppern@verizon.net or online at vfpcapecod.org.