Perhaps it is just the season. The summer residents have mostly gone home. Now is our time to enjoy friends and neighbors who, like us, have been distracted all summer. I laugh when visitors ask what we do on the Island all winter. They look surprised if you say we do the same things that they do at home. Do they think that we hibernate until their return?
If you are looking for things to do now, we have some invitations for potluck dinners and some unusual events this week.
Everyone is invited to the free National Fossil Day at the Oak Bluffs Public Library today, Oct. 13, from 4 to 7:45 pm. You might think it is an FLR (funny-looking rock), but it may be something else. Bring fossils to show or ask about, or just see what others bring.
Donna Blackburn invites you to a slide show of Scotland and lively Scottish music. The Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard welcomes anyone interested in Scottish culture to join in a potluck dinner and meeting. That’s at St. Andrew’s Church hall in Edgartown at 6 pm on Friday, Oct. 14, followed by the entertainment.
The Vineyard Haven library has some special children’s events coming up for little ones. Next Tuesday, Oct. 18, musical story time with Jeremy Berlin is at 10 am for kids under 3 and at 11 for age 3 and up. Yoga storytime is scheduled on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 10 and 11 am.
The Martha’s Vineyard Family Center at 35 Greenwood Avenue has free Infant Massage with Fae Kontje-Gibbs on Saturday, Oct. 15, from noon to 1:30 pm. She is a certified yoga instructor and a licensed acupuncturist. Preregistration is required; call 508-693-7900, ext. 283.
Watch for the caravan in celebration of the Martha’s Vineyard license plates. They were purchased in support of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services. The cars will parade around the Island on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 16.
Start preparing now for Electronics Disposal Day on Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 am to 2 pm to support Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, sponsored by Bruno’s Rolloff. Recycle your old air conditioners, cell phones, computers, copiers, dehumidifiers, fax machines, microwaves, monitors, laptops, printers, refrigerators, scanners, stereo equipment, televisions, washers, dryers, and scrap metal for off-Island disposal. Fees are between $2 and $30 per item. This year they will also collect nonperishable food donations for the Vineyard Committee on Hunger. Remember: That means nonperishable food, within the expiration date, not dented or opened, and clearly labeled.
Do you have any leftover prescriptions? Don’t flush them or put them in the trash. Simply leave the medicine, in the container, at the police station or in the lobby of the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
The best way to avoid falls is A Matter of Balance. This instruction is offered by the Martha’s Vineyard Partnership for Health in a series of eight free sessions, every Monday from Oct. 24 through Dec. 12, from 10 am to noon. Become more confident about managing falls. Reduce falls by learning exercises to help increase your strength and balance. Preregistration is required. For location and information, email, or call 508-627-5797, ext. 114.
Enjoy another potluck dinner next week on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 6 pm at the Federated Church hall in Edgartown. A true potluck, open to anyone who wants to bring a dish to share. You might also bring some nonperishable food for the Food Pantry. Call 508-627-4421.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out to Heather Angelastro and David Finkelstein. Wish the best tomorrow to Phil Reynolds. Next Tuesday marks the first birthday for Ryan Angelastro, son of Heather and Paul.
Heard on Main Street: Even the streets were quiet last Sunday afternoon. It seemed as if everyone was watching the Patriots celebrate Brady’s return. He did give us a lot to cheer about.