We are holding a “Save the Monarch” Festival on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the Chilmark School from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. The money we raise will go to the El Rosario Sanctuary in Michoacan, Mexico, where the monarchs spend the winter. Please join us for the afternoon. Purchase a monarch product made by the kindergarten and first grade students who want to make a difference in the world.
We have learned how important the milkweed fields and winter resting sites are to the monarchs. The milkweed fields are disappearing, and their resting sites in Mexico and California are too!
Milkweed is very important to the monarch butterfly. Without milkweed fields there would be no monarchs at all. Milkweed serves as the birthplace and the food for the monarch caterpillars, nourishing them so they can grow into beautiful monarch butterflies. The winter resting sites of the monarchs are also disappearing because of logging and development.
We can help! We can make a difference!
Robin Smith, Eleanor Neubert, Mira, Oscar, Emme, Dylan, Kiyla, Taura, SannaLee, Maybeline, Rasmus, Genevieve, and Moses
Chilmark School