Oak Bluffs: Banning plastic bags


Now that there is no more snow on the ground, for now, we can see firsthand the reawakening of plants as they sprout in the sunshine and bit-warmer temperatures. It is encouraging to spot colorful blossoms and green here and there, but also, unfortunately, all the trash that people have carelessly left on the sides of the road and that have blown into the woods. It is really not attractive to view, and does not speak well of us as caretakers of the environment. And the majority of what I see on the roadside, in the woods, and blown into the trees is plastic bags. You see where I am going with this. Please attend town meeting to vote on one of the two articles regarding banning of plastic bags. And if you can safely do so, pick up some of that litter and properly dispose of it.

The ever-changing weather does not stop spring from happening at our Oak Bluffs library. Ongoing programs in the children’s room include Animal Storytime every Wednesday through the end of June at 10:30 am, Book Babies every Thursday through June at 11 am, and Toddler Time every Friday through June at 10:30 am. Turn recyclables into whole new creations on Saturday, April 15, from 10 to 11:30 am. Best for kids who know how to use scissors and glue.

Head for the MV Gourmet Café and Bakery and Back Door Donuts for opening day on Thursday, April 13. The front-door hours will be 7 am to 5 pm daily except Sundays, when they close at 2 pm. Back Door Donuts will open Thursday, April 13, from 7 pm to 1 am every night through Sunday, April 23. After school vacation week, Back Door Donuts will be open Thursday through Saturday nights, 7 pm to 1 am, until mid-May.

Palm Sunday and Holy Week schedule for First Baptist Church in Vineyard Haven is: April 9 at 11 am, Palm Sunday service. On April 13 at 6 pm, Maundy Thursday dinner and Tenebrae service: soup and bread meal followed by a service of diminishing lights. April 14 at 12 noon, Good Friday services. All services will be led by the Rev. Dr. Leo Christian.

Holy Week services at St. Augustine’s Church in Vineyard Haven for Good Shepherd Parish of Martha’s Vineyard will start with Holy Thursday, April 13, at 7 pm. Good Friday service on April 14: Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, and Communion at 3 pm; Stations of the Cross at 6 pm; and at 7 pm, Portuguese service of Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, and Communion.

Here is some good news for Oak Bluffs residents at Island Elderly Housing. The Oak Bluffs library is starting a new service where books will be available for delivery for Woodside and Aidylberg residents. Applications are available in the service coordinator’s office, or by calling the library directly at 508-693-9433 and asking for the outreach coordinator.

This winter students in kindergarten through eighth grade decorated reusable cotton bags to be given away in town. Students have been learning about the environmental impacts of plastic trash, especially how this relates to the health of the ocean, and this is part of the school’s plastic-reduction campaign. All the bags were made with the help of art teacher Kim O’Connor. Thanks to the Vineyard Conservation Society for making this happen. If you would like to join in thanking the students for their work, there will be a thank-you reception for them at the Oak Bluffs library on Saturday, April 8, from 1 to 3 pm.

Featherstone is hosting an Art and Crafts Show for Island Elderly Housing residents who wish to participate. The show is scheduled for May 5 through the 7th. Please notify the outreach coordinator if you are interested in showing your work.

We send birthday smiles to Island Elderly Housing residents for the month of April to Mildred MacDonald, Lathy Fleming, Jameison Sennott, Jerome Tilton, Thomas Green, Carl Greer, Anita Cimino, Ralph Silva, Mary Nichols, Jenny Seward, Diana Souza, Charles Mckay, and Litchmore Hall.

Birthday smiles to Ben Hall III on April 8, Donald Combra and Richard Giordano on the 9th, Tevin Antone Araujo on April 10, and Michael Rebello on April 12.

Enjoy your week. Peace.