This Place


The first visit to this place I was in awe

Didn’t know what to expect and what not to

Looking around wondering if it was anyone else’s first time

Blood flowing through my veins faster and faster

Skinny knees shaking and weak under my jeans

I suddenly see someone I know and she smiles

A special childhood friend of 50 years or so

She puts a certain glow all around the table

One glance with that message only friends know

You can do it she said with laughter in her voice

And so much fun and gleam in her eye

You could tell that she had been here before

Her name was called and she started to play

Wooden flute and magic blowing through to us

Faraway chants sung to generations with feeling

The crowd and I are here for the same thing

To express yourself among others enjoy the words

Cozy chairs, crayons and tables with nice folks around us

Soon you are wrapped in the world of words all is forgotten

For the moment you are you and not first anymore we all are number one

As you leave for the night with future promises to return again

Your head starts to fill up with excitement about your next time

Suddenly you don’t want to leave hoping for one more poem or story

Lights out goodnight everyone

Born and raised here, Linda Bergeron Freedman works as special aid at the center for living and supportive day program. She loves her job there.