Twelve people were rescued from an overturned boat near Hog Island Channel in Wareham, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.
The Coast Guard, Buzzards Bay Task Force, other government agencies, and good Samaritans worked together to rescue the 12 people from the boat after a good Samaritan called in the incident at 4:40 pm.
The good Samaritan also reported the boat appeared to be overloaded with passengers, and it was struggling against the waves, the Coast Guard said.
An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station Cape and a 45-foot boat crew from Station Cape Cod Canal were among the responders to the scene.
When the 45-foot boat crew arrived on the scene, a good Samaritan aboard the Disco Volante had recovered nine of the 12 people from the water.
The Coast Guard and local government agency crews recovered the other three people from the water.
One child was injured and was taken to Tobey Hospital in Wareham. The child was wearing a life jacket, the Coast Guard reported.
The 45-foot-boat’s crew is escorting the Disco Volante to Massachusetts Maritime Academy.
“It is recommended that mariners verify the max amount of horsepower and capacity a vessel can handle before going underway,” said Scott Bacholm, command duty officer at Sector Southeastern New England.