West Tisbury: Dan Waters’ three cats


To begin, I ask you to forgive me for any typos or misstatements in my column this week. My cat, Nelson, is asleep on my chest, said cat making a lumpen, though adorable and beloved, mass between my eyes and my laptop. My typing may not be as perfect as usual, but as all cat owners know, “Cats rule.”

What a great article about Dan Waters and Hal Garneau’s three cats in last week’s paper. I remember them arriving about the same time as I got Nelson. Richard Knabel and Jim Osmundsen got their kitten, Suzette, a.k.a. Princess, then, too, and we were all often seen in the Post Office or Cronig’s commiserating about our kittens, their wild antics, naughty habits, and snooty noses and tails up, depending on what cat food was offered at dinnertime.

Thankfully, they all seem to have mellowed into mostly acceptable cats. Maybe we have all mellowed into mostly accepting owners.

Our library has announced an amazing-sounding new service called Kanopy. It’s an on-demand streaming service free with our library cards. It provides access to a large collection of documentaries, foreign and independent films, The Great Courses, PBS shows, and more, all accessible on computers, phones, tablets, or “cast” onto your TV through Chromecast. Create your account at https://westtisbury.kanopystreaming.com, click on “log in,” then “Don’t have an account yet.” Fill in your name, email, and a new password to get started. Or call (508-693-3366) or stop by the library for assistance.

Ursula Ferro found a monarch chrysalis that she brought to the Children’s Room at the library for everyone to watch as it turns into a beautiful butterfly. It went into its pupa state on Sept. 9, and is expected to emerge about two weeks from that date. Twenty-four hours before the butterfly is to emerge, the bright green chrysalis will darken and become transparent. The butterfly will be released as soon as it’s ready to fly.

Other upcoming library events are:

Friday, Sept. 29, is a kickoff party for the new Harry Potter club, Dumbledore’s Army, at 3:30 pm. Magical activities and refreshments will be provided for kids 10 to 17.

On Saturday, materials to make fairies out of pinecones, a family craft, will be set up in the Children’s Room from 10 am to 3 pm. At 3:30 pm, John DaSilva and GennaRose Nethercott will read from and talk about their new book, “Living Where Land Meets Sea,” a collection of poetry and homes reflecting the heart and soul of seaside architecture.

Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 5 pm, playwright Wayne K. Greenwell will read from his new collection of short stories, “Where I’m Crawling From.”

Next Saturday, Oct. 7, is annual Fairy House Building Day from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Bring natural building materials to use and to share. Bark, shells, seed pods, sticks, gourds, feathers, pinecones, moss, anything you can think of to make a home for the pinecone fairies you made last week. Bring everything with you, or leave materials off at the library during the week.

If you remember Nancy and Sluggo and Aunt Fritzi from your childhood, Paul Karasik has a Facebook reading group you might be interested in joining. “How to Read Nancy” is the title of Paul’s new book that will be out soon.

The First Congregational Church of West Tisbury is hosting a Parsonage Open House this Sunday, Oct. 1, after the morning service.

If you are reading this early enough, the zoning board of appeals is holding a hearing this afternoon, Sept. 28, at 5:30 pm, at Town Hall. The agenda is a large house, 6,100 square feet, proposed for a residential area off Old County Road. If you want to learn more or have an opinion, come to the meeting. You may also send a letter to the ZBA.

Sofia Anthony has announced a Neighborhood Convention meeting to be held at our West Tisbury church on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 11 am. Attendees can welcome the Island’s newest clergy members, the Reverends Eibner, Christian, Berube, and Wright. All are welcome. Bring a sack lunch.

The First Baptist Church in Vineyard Haven will celebrate Octoberfest next Saturday, Oct. 7, from noon to 3 pm. There will be an oompah band, sausages, hot dogs, sauerkraut, and tables with baked goods and white elephant items for sale.

The 40th Women’s Symposium has chosen the topic “Sharing” for its upcoming meeting on Oct. 28 at the Chilmark Community Center. The event is from 9 am to noon, twice a year, spring and fall. It’s free, although donations are welcome. Coffee, tea, and delicious snacks are served, along with the most interesting talks and discussions. And always the most interesting women to reconnect with. Put it on your calendar.

I noticed a bit of color in our sunroom last week. It was an amaryllis from last winter, an unexpected stalk with one flower opening. I immediately moved it up onto a table where we can enjoy it. One flower is now four, white-streaked and tipped with red markings. What a surprise at this time of year. Isn’t nature miraculous?