The weather is a bit warmer, but last week’s cold and icy winds left me inside the house, like someone under house arrest. I read many books, knit a bit, cleaned a bit more, and sulked a great deal, as I was without a newspaper for three days. The only news on TV was newscasters constantly informing everyone how cold, snowy, and windy it was, in case we didn’t notice. Thank goodness for PBS and Acorn TV for a few hours of good television entertainment. The experience did awaken me to the fact that I am very thankful for all the people who have always managed to keep us supplied with the necessities that we take for granted. So gratitude to USPS, UPS, FedEx, Globe paper deliverers, Highway Departments, OBFD and EMS, OBPD, and neighbors, friends, and relatives who check on us to make sure we are OK. You are the best.
The Fly Outreach Program, in partnership with Martha’s Vineyard Community Services Recovery Coach Services, hosts Yoga for Recovery for healing from addiction and substance use disorders This program is open to anyone in the recovery community. The program will be held on Thursday, Jan. 11, from 6 to 7 pm at Island Images Gallery in Oak Bluffs. There is a suggested donation from $5 to $15.
Every Friday, the M.V. Family Center invites families for a morning of crafting. Each week it will model and provide supplies for a different craft to engage children in the art process. The program runs from 8:30 to 11 am at the M.V. Family Center, with the next meeting being this Friday, Jan. 12.
And once again the MVCS Family Center and the Island Wide Youth Collaborative are hosting a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) group; information about trends and issues facing these grandparents are shared over coffee and discussion. The group takes place on the second Saturday of every month from 2 to 3:30 pm at the M.V. Family Center.
Inter Stars, the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse’s afterschool theater program for kids, is open for all Island children grades three through eight, with or without theater experience. Students must preregister and pay tuition online in advance. For further info, call Anna at 598 696-6300, ext. 1112.
Maureen and Bill Anderson recently returned from their annual visit to St. Pete’s Beach to visit their daughter Kristen Anderson. But this visit had another purpose also. Accompanied by their son, Bill Anderson Jr., Kristen’s brother, they were there to attend Kristen’s graduation from Barry University in Miami, where she received her doctor of philosophy degree in leadership and education. Her doctorate dissertation was on fostering youth as community college students. Kristen was a graduate of MVRHS, and went on to graduate from Bridgewater State College, where she received her bachelor of arts, and to grad school at Lesley University for her master’s degree. After graduation from Bridgewater, Kristen spent two years in Niger with the Peace Corps. Her son Ian will be completing a two-year assignment in Senegal for the Peace Corps in April this year. How proud her family is of this achievement.
Alicia Oliveira returned home at Christmastime after a grueling three weeks of jungle warfare training in Hawaii. The soldiers were dropped into the rainforest by Black Hawk helicopters. There they learned survival skills, and how to live and navigate the tough terrain. It was physically and mentally challenging. Seventy-five soldiers started the training, and only 33 completed and graduated, with Alicia being the only female. First Lieutenant Oliveira is member of the 25th Infantry Division, stationed at Schofield Barracks on Oahu. Alicia is an Island native and MVRHS graduate of the class of 2011 and Providence College class of 2014. Her justifiably proud parents are David and Margaret Oliveira of Oak Bluffs.
On Friday, Jan. 12, the Oak Bluffs School will be closed for staff development. Schools will also be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, in honor of the Martin Luther King holiday. It has been 50 years since the Rev. King’s death, so please take a moment to remember this quiet, courageous man and his many accomplishments.
Our sympathies to the family and friends of David Madeiras, who died last week after a long period of ill health. Most of us remember David as the friendly and helpful person at Phillips Hardware, where he worked many years before retiring. But David was also a veteran of the Vietnam War. Peace to you, David. We are grateful for your service.
We send birthday smiles to Jack deBettencourt on Jan. 12, Sue Sequinha on the 13th, Shamus Kelly on Jan. 15, Jessica Peters and Chris Pantalone on the 16th, Katherine deBettencourt on the 17th, and Brad Tanner on Jan. 18th.
Enjoy your week. Peace.