Have an interest in running for town office?


It’s February once again, and that means it’s time to start thinking about spring elections. Each town on the Island has several positions open for election. Anyone thinking of running for a town office can pick up nomination papers at the town clerk’s office in the town where the election is being held.

West Tisbury

Nominations are open.

Submission deadline is Feb. 22.

Positions up for election are one selectman seat, a board of health seat, a board of assessors seat, constable, finance committee seat, two public library trustees, and two parks and recreation committee seats.

West Tisbury annual town election is April 12.

Oak Bluffs

Nominations are open.

Submission deadline is Feb. 22.

Positions up for election are moderator, two selectmen seats, one board of health seat, park commissioner, cemetery commissioner, tree warden, school committee, two planning board seats (one for five years and another for four years), three finance and advisory committee seats, wastewater commissioner, and water district commissioner.

Oak Bluffs annual town election is April 12.


Nominations are open.

Submission deadline is March 6.

Positions open for election are two constable positions, a board of selectmen seat, one board of assessors seat, one board of health seat, a school committee seat, water commissioner, a planning board seat, library trustee, and two finance advisory committee seats.

Tisbury annual town election is April 24.


Nominations are open.

Submission deadline is Feb. 22.

Positions up for election are moderator, one selectman seat, one board of assessors seat, one board of health seat, town collector, one planning board seat, one school committee seat, two library trustee seats, park commissioner, wastewater commissioner, water commissioner, constable, and four financial advisory committee seats.

Edgartown annual town election is April 12.


Nominations are open on March 1.

Submission deadline is April 4.

Positions up for election are one selectman seat, one board of health seat, one board of assessors seat, one planning board seat, one library trustee seat, one land bank commissioner, and town clerk.

Aquinnah annual town election is May 9.


Nominations are open.

Submission deadline is March 7.

Positions up for election are one selectman seat, one board of assessors seat, one board of health seat, one library trustee seat, one cemetery commissioner, three financial advisory committee seats, one planning board seat, constable, fence viewer, and two surveyor of wood, lumber and bark positions.

Chilmark annual town election is April 25.


  1. Strange no MV Land Bank Commissioners are up for re-relection. Is there a mistake here or are they elected some other times?

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