Edgartown: In like a lion


Wow, what a storm. For the most part, I’m happy that I missed it, except for the fact that I wasn’t here to help my father in case of an emergency. Don and I escaped for a few days in Florida, but we kept a close eye on the weather via Facebook. I don’t think I’ve seen a storm wreak so much havoc on this Island since Hurricane Bob. The damaged boats and vehicles, felled trees, and flood damage were severe. Here’s hoping that is the only big weather event this year.

We were part of the chaos trying to get back the Island over the weekend. We flew in on Saturday evening and hopped a bus, only to find out that the boats weren’t running while enroute. We gathered up Daniel Gaines, who was also on our bus, and the three of us hopped in our van in the Palmer lot and set off to find a hotel room. We might as well have been searching for the Fountain of Youth. There were no hotels to be found, and given that power was out and phone service was intermittent at best, we had to drive from hotel to hotel and ask in person. It made for a very long night. We finally called my cousin, Jenny Corwin VanGelder, who put us all up for the night. Daniel was a good sport, hanging around with a bunch of old crazy people he barely knew. We were all very happy to get back over Sunday morning, for sure.

Happy birthday wishes this week go out to Kathie Case, who celebrated on March 3, Drew Kelly on March 7, and Michelle Pikor and Richard Prieto, who celebrate on March 10.

The Martha’s Vineyard Cancer Support Group’s Daffodil Time is coming. Bunches of daffodils will be sold ($10 per bunch) at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital from 8 am until 3:30 pm on Friday, March 16, and from 9 am until 4:30 pm on Saturday, March 17, at the Edgartown Stop & Shop, Reliable Market in Oak Bluffs, and Cronig’s in Vineyard Haven. But get there early, since they often sell out! Cancer is the leading cause of death on the Island and a diagnosis brings not only emotional and physical pain but often financial difficulty. All the monies collected will be used to help patients and their families with medical expenses and the cost of transportation, lodging, and food when they have to travel off Island for treatment.

Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Minnesingers will celebrate 50 years at the May spring concerts. For detailed information, Minnesinger alums on Facebook can go to MVRHS Minnesinger 50th reunion group and request membership. Those not on Facebook, email Nancy Rogers at nrogers@mvyps.org.

If you are an older Vineyarder, and continue to live in your own home, what do you do when you need help at home? Need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Need a local contractor to do a “small project”? These are frequently asked questions from the increasing number of senior citizens living in our community.

Polly Brown, from Vineyard Village at Home, will be the guest speaker on Sunday, March 11, at 11:30 am, following the morning service at the Federated Church Meetinghouse at 45 South Summer Street, Edgartown. Please join them for this discussion, which is free and open to all. For more information call 508-627-4421, email admin@federatedchurchmv.org, or check out their website at federatedchurchmv.org.

Congratulations to all the seniors at MVRHS who have received their acceptance letters, or more likely emails and website notifications. It’s an exciting and chaotic time for these kids, and it’s time to make some difficult choices. Feel free to share any news about college choices with me for publication in the column, so people can share in your good news. And get those scholarship applications done soon. The deadlines are on the horizon.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead this coming weekend. The days will be longer for several months now, which I love. It’s nice to have a bit more daylight after school to get outside exercise and work in. Maybe we’ll even have a real spring this year. We can hope at least. March came in like a lion for sure. Here’s hoping it becomes a lamb right quick and ushers us into a beautiful spring.

I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.