Heard on Main Street: If I were wrong, don’t you think I’d know?
Daffodil Time is coming. Bunches of daffodils will be sold ($10 per bunch) on Friday, March 16, at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital from 8 am to 3:30 pm. Also you can get daffodils from 9 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday, March 17, at the Edgartown Stop & Shop, Reliable Market in Oak Bluffs, and Cronig’s in Vineyard Haven. Be early, they often sell out. These sales benefit the M.V. Cancer Support Group. Did you know that cancer is the leading cause of death on the Island? The diagnosis brings not only emotional and physical pain, but often financial difficulty. Every cent of the money collected will help patients and families with medical expenses and transportation, lodging, and food for off-Island treatment.
How was your storm? The winds certainly howled, but we finally had to act. A few hours after the electricity went out Friday night, the EMTs took my husband to the hospital, where he spent the night, so he had oxygen and other meds which all depend on electricity. The EMTs told us that many trees were down and lights were out across the Island. It was comical when one EMT asked why the outside light wasn’t on, but not the reminder that I put out the candles before I left the house. They warned me the only route was the long way around to the hospital, to avoid Beach Road. There were a lot of trees and limbs down.
I had to bring some things for my husband to the hospital that night. That was not a pleasant drive. When I left to come home, I was reminded that the winds were really horrific. One strong gust nearly knocked me down to the ground. As soon as I stopped walking when I got to the car outside the ER and fished for my keys, I had to grab the door handle to stay upright. I kept thinking, ‘This is not happening!’ And then I had trouble opening the door against the wind. What fun.
We were both happy to get him home Saturday morning. The winds were still very strong. It was a little unnerving that as we left the hospital, someone announced a big tree was just down in Vineyard Haven, taking out more electricity, and it was not to be fixed until the winds died down. I was very relieved to find we had electricity.
Before the storm, Leigh Smith enjoyed a trip off-Island to see her great-grandson Ansel in New Hampshire, where her eldest grandson is a teacher. The baby, son of Charlie and Cath Smith, had been welcomed last October by his big sister Po, officially Mariposa Smith, age 3, also Leigh’s great-granddaughter. Leigh enjoyed the trip with her grandson J.P. Hitesman, who is now working at the Vineyard Playhouse.
While we had high winds and lots of rain, an awful lot of snow covered areas in southwest England last week, especially the area known as the English Riviera. My cousin Jean lives there in Torquay. She said no roads in town were plowed because they just don’t get heavy snow. She was afraid she might have to miss her grandson’s wedding on Saturday, or it might be canceled. Another grandson had not been able to get to her or into town, but had to stay in a nearby town.
I had to admit that at least we didn’t have snow. But her good news on Saturday morning was, “The wedding is going ahead today.” A neighbor with four-wheel drive took her to the venue, where all the wedding party and family would then stay overnight. Then many of them were happily heading to Sri Lanka.
Don’t forget to spring forward one hour next Sunday, March 11, for Daylight Saving Time. It might be more cheerful to call it Summer Time, as they do in some other countries. At least it sounds warm.
If you are an older Vineyarder in your own home, what do you do when you need help? Need a ride to a doctor or some help for a small project? Ask Polly Brown from Vineyard Village at Home. She will be at the Federated Church on Sunday, March 11, at 11:30 am, following the morning service. Coffee and discussion are free and open to all.
You do know that ACE MV offers business and computer classes as well as training for contractors and landscapers. And Featherstone is calling all artists, in all media, to take part in upcoming shows on springtime topics, such as birds and birdhouses and the art of flowers.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out today to Michelle O’Donnell and Kasarah Bruni. Saturday belongs to Sue Merrill. Wish the best on Sunday to Whit Griswold, Nan Carter, and Dorothy Gould. Dorothy was born at midnight on the 10th, so she may celebrate Sunday and also Monday, when she joins Mark Daniels and James Taylor. Happy birthday to Janet Sylvia, Kevin Voyer, and Betty Thatcher, on Wednesday. Betty will be celebrating her 92nd birthday.
Heard on Main Street: Live like someone left the gate open.