Chilmark: Seastone Papers

The tunnel book I made at Seastone Papers with Sandy Bernat a couple of weeks ago. —Valerie Sonnenthal

It’s spring. Easter and a blue moon have come and gone, while Passover ends on Saturday, April 7. Snow has come, with more in the forecast. I followed the first bare-footprints on Lucy Vincent Beach last weekend, and enjoyed a glorious walk at Great Rock Bight, running into a couple of girlfriends. Lambs are dropping and bringing joy with them. And yes, we are still cleaning up after that last nor’easter, and keeping our fingers crossed that the boats will run. Be sure to check for all the amazing activities going on; there are just way too many to highlight.

Tuesday Pizza Nights continue at the Chilmark Community Church from 6 to 7 pm; enjoy free food, conversation, and community. All are welcome, free. 9 Menemsha Crossroads, Chilmark.

Sandy Bernat and Seastone Papers are offering an Exploring the Tunnel Book Workshop on Saturday, April 7, from 9:30 am to 12:30pm. Cost is $45. Learn more and register at I did this with Sandy a couple of weeks ago, and loved every minute.

The Dukes Soil Conservation District is starting an educational series with a program on soil health. Learn what it is, how to recognize it, and how to improve it at the Ag Hall on Saturday, April 7, from 9 am to noon, focused on Vineyard soil types, interpreting soil tests, and a field soil health assessment. The session will end with a rain simulator demonstration of how soil responds to rain under different vegetated conditions. The afternoon session, from 1 to 3:30 pm will focus on the science of organic matter in the soil, mobility of important nutrients, and practices to improve soil health, including cover crops and reduced tillage. There will be a panel discussion of practical implementation of these practices featuring Simon Athearn of Morning Glory Farm, Andrew Woodruff of Whippoorwill Farm, Matthew Dix of North Tabor and Thimble farms, and Dukes Soil Conservation District soil scientists. Register by emailing

The Chilmark library will be having a Saturday Disc Cleaning Clinic from 2 to 5pm on April 7: Bring dirty or scratched CDs, DVDs, or Blu-rays for a free cleaning. Come and hear about an experimental kelp project in Menemsha with Amandine Hall of the M.V. Shellfish Group and Otto Osmers and Shelley Edmundson of the M.V. Preservation Trust, and get to taste some delicious ways to prepare kelp by Beach Plum Inn’s chef John Thurgood on Saturday, April 7, at 3:30 pm. Register for Children’s Glow Yoga with One Love Yoga instructor Emily on Saturday, April 14, at 3:30 pm for yoga, creative movement, and dance that incorporates music, mindfulness, art, and of course, glow sticks. For children ages 4 to 8; call or stop by the front desk to register. Wednesday, April 11, is the first of a two-class free Poetry Drop-In Workshop for adults hosted by local poet Donald Nitchie, presenting poems by a range of contemporary poets, followed by a short discussion and then a group free-write loosely based on the poems’ content or form. Students are encouraged to share their work with the group if interested. Stories and Song continue on Tuesday and Saturdays at 10:30 am. The Wednesday Afterschool Story and Crafts program runs weekly from 3 to 4 pm. For info or questions, call 508-645-3360 or email

Stop by Pathways on Friday, April 6, for grand piano and guitar played by musician and songwriters Stephen Hart and Andy Herr, followed by an open floor where people can sign up the night of to perform as time allows. Saturday, April 7, is a busy day at Pathways, beginning with M.V. poet laureate Justen Ahren facilitating the inaugural Teen Writing Group for any teens passionate about poetry or prose from 1 to 3 pm. To sign up or for more info, contact Leah Littlefield at Then Allison Cameron Parry hosts an afternoon of Community Healing Chigong, starting with a Family Healing Circle from 4 to 4:45pm, a gentle and easy-to-follow moving meditation, perfect for prenatal and children, all ages. From 5 to 5:45 pm is Awaken Vitality Within, an energizing yet grounding practice. Last is Delve into Deep Healing from 5:45 to 6:30pm, especially beneficial for chronic afflictions. Enjoy sounding and crystal bowls to activate, open and flow organ energy for optimal wellness. No experience necessary. Donations accepted. On Tuesday, April 10, the Open Writing and Poetry series continues with Jenny Allen, Holly Nadler, and Julia Kidd before the mic opens to community readings. Programs continue through April from 7 to 9 pm, doors open at 6:30 pm. Come to Pathways Arts on Mondays and join Rebecca Gilbert for knitting from 1 to 3 pm, and from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, learn T’ai Chi Ch’uan Yang long form and Chi Kung with Yang Chang Fu, suitable for all ages and family groups. You can stop by every day but Wednesdays and Sundays and find a warm environment to work in; Wi-Fi and computer available. Learn more at

Head to Aquinnah’s Town Hall to celebrate the Wampanoag New Year on Sunday, April 8, starting at 5 pm. Enjoy native vendors, traditional social music and dancing, and a special turkey dinner by elder Kristina Hook. Suggested donation is $20 at the door.

If you’ve not yet seen Thomas Bena’s “One Big Home” film, head to the West Tisbury library on Tuesday, April 10, for a 9:30 am screening, free.

Island Grown Farm Hub director Matt Dix (of North Tabor Farm) is teaching a mushroom-growing workshop on Saturday, April 14, where you will learn to inoculate and take home logs. There is a $25 material fee, and preregistration is required; either call 508-687-9062 or email Class at Farm Hub, 80 Stoney Hill Road, in Tisbury. If you are interested in helping sell wholesale-price vegetables in neighborhoods with low food access on IGI’s Mobile Market this summer, please email

If you happen to be in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, April 14, stop by the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center between 6 and 9 pm and surprise seasonal resident Carol Brown Goldberg at her Entanglement exhibition opening, including large paintings and smaller drawings. The show runs from April 3 to May 27, with a gallery talk on April 26 at 6 pm. Congratulations, CBG.

Have a great week.