Tiger pride


To the editor:

This letter is to the town of Tisbury.

We might be a small town, on a small Island, but the children of Tisbury have big dreams! They are so excited for the opportunity to have a new school, and thanks to the incredible people in this community, they are now one step closer. The students at the Tisbury School are luckier than they even realize, because they live in a town that greatly values excellence in education. A town that knows that an investment in schools will produce great returns for generations to come.

The Tisbury School PTO is incredibly grateful for the community support it has received. This support comes not only from those who have a Tisbury Tiger in the family, but also those who never will, valuing what the new school will mean for both our students and their education. So many of you offered thoughtful suggestions, asked important questions, and along the way you reminded us what we all have been working so hard for: our children’s future.

To a child, school is the place where they learn and grow, make meaningful connections with peers and adults, and where they feel safe and welcomed every day. At the Tisbury School, students work hard, celebrate their mistakes and achievements, and develop perseverance. The things that our students are capable of are really quite extraordinary! Imagine the heights they will soar to when they have the educational spaces to embrace their creativity and showcase their projects, in a building that was built with them in mind, every step of the way.

They will never forget the love and support that has embraced, and will continue to embrace them throughout this process. The students love the connections they currently have to the community, from the seniors who come read with them, the visits they take to the senior center, the band “caroling” through town for holidays, and our annual Memorial Day March to the Sea, to name a few. These traditions will continue, and hopefully even more connections will be made in the future. The students will someday realize the sacrifices made on their behalf, and they will make the community proud. This is truly an exciting moment for these children, and for the town that made it happen for them.

You are all Tisbury Tigers. Please continue to show your Tiger Pride and join us in voting yes for the Tisbury School.

Erika Mulvey
Tisbury School PTO