By Rob Burnside
Every year, on this date, at 4:30 am
Orion the Hunter appears between
the second and third juniper tree
and I am here to greet him.
Alnitak. Alnilam. Mintaka.
In youth, he amazed me.
Son of Poseidon, who
enabled him to
walk on water.
Alnitak. Alnilam. Mintaka.
In middle age, he buffered me.
Born of Euryale, who
provided sustenance
in the game he chases.
Alnitak. Alnilam. Mintaka.
In impending old age, he worries me.
Will his belt soon fail him as mine
has failed me? This year,
will he wear suspenders?
—By Rob Burnside
Rob Burnside, a yearly visitor to Edgartown, is a retired firefighter and published poet (chapbook “Falling Off the Bone” currently available on Amazon) from Kingston, Pa.