Edgartown: Decorating days


Happy December. Time is just flying by, it seems. We’ve begun to decorate the house, and will soon get a tree to set up inside. The big question this year is do we do that now, leaving some decorations for Riley to put on the tree when he returns, or do we wait till he returns to get one and decorate it? I have to admit, I’m leaning toward setting it up before he comes home. I don’t have much patience for a tree after Christmas, but I enjoy it immensely prior to the holiday.

I’d like to wish everyone out there a very happy Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, which started on Sunday night at sundown and ends at sundown on Dec. 10. This holiday celebrates when the Maccabees drove King Antiochus IV and his soldiers out of Jerusalem. At that time, they cleaned up their Temple and lit a menorah, which remained lit for eight days and eight nights, though it only had enough oil for one day.

Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will auction the top 10 most popular remaining low-number Martha’s Vineyard License Plates in Charitable Online Auction No. 3. This auction is unique in that the public decided what plates will be up for auction via an online survey. The survey received over 130 responses, and ultimately the following plates have been selected for the auction: MV12, MV22, MV25, MV31, MV40, MV60, MV70, MV77, MV80, and MV98. Each plate will have a starting bid of $2,000 to $2,500, and will be awarded to the highest bidder. Plates are also available via the “buy it now” price of $10,000. The auction opens on Monday, Dec. 3, at 9 am and closes on Thursday, Dec. 13, at 9 pm. You can bid at https://www.biddingforgood.com/MVCOMM. This is a fundraiser for Martha’s Vineyard Community Services and Island nonprofits that benefit youth and seniors through the Martha’s Vineyard License Plate program. You will have a chance to obtain a unique low-numbered MV plate that can be passed down for generations to come while making a vital contribution to the Island community. One hundred percent of the proceeds are tax-deductible and benefit Martha’s Vineyard Community Services and other Island nonprofits through the MVCS Driving the Future Fund. This year’s grant recipients included Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Cape Cod and the Islands and Island Elderly Housing. Interested buyers are encouraged to preregister at the site in order to receive updates and be ready to start bidding once the auction goes live. Once the auction is live, people can bid in real time from desktop, mobile, and tablet.

The Federated Church will be busy over the holiday season. To find out more about any of the events listed below, please call 508-627-4421, email officefederatedchurchmv@gmail.com, or check out the website at federatedchurchmv.org.

On Sunday, Dec. 9, the Federated Church will host an Old Fashioned Carol Sing from from 2 pm until 3 pm. Peter R. Boak, minister of music, will accompany singers, and take requests of your favorite Christmas songs, which you get to sing. Music will be provided. Following the singing, light refreshments will be served. This is a free event, open to all ages.

Looking for a unique Christmas gift? How about something made in Haiti, where the artists receive the proceeds as their only source of income! PeaceQuilts will have such items displayed and for sale in the Federated Church Parish House, 45 South Summer St., on Sunday, Dec. 9, from 1 to 4 pm. Items include folk art, quilts, bags, unique handmade jewelry, metal art, and more. Proceeds go to the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project.
Give your child the gift of Christmas by letting them journey through the Advent season with the Federated Church, 45 South Summer St., Edgartown. This four-week exploration is for kindergartners through eighth graders, and is held during the 10:30 am Sunday worship in the Federated Church Parish House. The next program is on Dec. 9, “The Gift of Peace” — the story of the shepherds; on Dec. 16, “The Gift of Love” — the story of Mary and Joseph. As your children journey through this season, please consider joining our service in the Meetinghouse, which also starts at 10:30 am. On Dec. 9, we will be lighting the Candle of Peace, and on Dec. 16, the Candle of Love. All are welcome!

Christmas in Edgartown is upon us. Be sure to stop by the Edgartown School between 10 am and 4 pm for the annual Arts and Craft Fair, with food and warm drinks. Support local artisans and the Edgartown School eighth grade trip to Washington, D.C.

Felix Neck invites you to stop by the Covington on Main Street in Edgartown on Dec. 8, from 11 am until 2 pm for a WILD experience. Visit with live animals, identify bones, explore tracks, and more as you learn how different animals survive winter.

Stop by the Edgartown library between 10 am and 4 pm on Saturday, when the Friends of the Edgartown Public Library host a poinsettia sale. Wrapped plants are $5, and Island books at reduced prices will also be on sale. Proceeds benefit programs at the library, which the Friends support.

The Edgartown School Winter Concert will be on Dec. 7. Kindergarten through third grades will perform first, at 6:30, and the fourth grade and up will perform at 7:30. This is always a sweet night full of wonderful music and excited kids, so stop by and enjoy the festivities if you’re looking to get in the holiday spirit.

The Rise Holiday Show will be on Dec. 16 this year, at 1 pm and 6 pm at the PAC. Unfortunately, Amelia has suffered a setback with her knees and added a bonus injury of a broken foot, so she’ll be helping backstage this year instead of dancing. This is always a fun seasonal show. Proceeds benefit the Rise Above Access Program.

The Hospice Reflections of Peace Concert is on Dec. 12 at 7:30 pm at the Old Whaling Church. Tickets are $20, and all proceeds benefit Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard.

Enjoy Christmas in Edgartown weekend. There’s so much to do. I’m sure I’ll run into many of you along the way.