Does a small community weekly, with circulation the size of a theoretical three-day music festival in Vineyard Haven, but the reporting finesse of large daily, excite you? Does your Instagram feed feel as stale and outdated as Chilmark’s 1932 ballot box? Do you want to see images of Martha’s Vineyard that are so good they make you say “hot-diggity!” instead of “jeepers creepers not another selfie!” when you see them?
Look no further because The Martha’s Vineyard Times is seeking its 10,000th Instagram follower. As of 12:40 pm on Friday, The Times needs 42 more followers to reach quintuple digits. The lucky 10,000th follower will win the grand prize of — drum roll please — a $50 gift certificate to Bunch of Grapes Bookstore. Let the competition begin!
The Times Instagram can be found by searching our handle @marthasvineyardtimes or