The Steamship Authority, after canceling early morning ferry runs of the MV Governor Wednesday, has now pulled the ferry from service, and is replacing its freight runs with the MV Katama, SSA spokesman Sean Driscoll told The Times in an email.
This comes after the Governor’s first four runs of the day were canceled.
In his first email about the mechanical woes, Driscoll wrote, “The MV Governor experienced an engine derating last night when coming into Woods Hole shortly after 7 pm. Our maintenance crews worked on the issue overnight and corrected it; it’s now undergoing a sea trial with the Coast Guard.”
Driscoll initially said he thought the Governor would be back in service today, but ultimately the SSA pulled the plug and sent the vessel to its facility in Fairhaven.
A Times employee said a ferry he was on this morning headed for Woods Hole was delayed briefly while the captain waited for a slip to open up. The broken-down Governor was occupying one of them, and work has resumed adjacent to the new slip, which was completed ahead of Memorial Day weekend.
The Governor has been back in service for less than a week.
Meanwhile, on the Nantucket run, the MV Gay Head, one of the Steamship Authority’s freight boats, was taken out of service Tuesday morning.
“Fuel was discovered in one of the voids in the engine on Tuesday morning prior to the Gay Head’s 0530 departure,” Driscoll wrote. “It was determined that a small failure in a fuel piping weld caused the leak. The fuel was pumped out, and the vessel went to Fairhaven for inspection and repair of the fuel piping.”
The MV Sankaty, another freight boat, took over the Gay Head’s Hyannis–Nantucket route starting at 10:45 that morning.