Aquinnah: Just in time for June


Just in time for June, the weather seems to be turning springlike. While Philbin Beach was fogged in for a good part of Sunday, there was a glorious amount of sun to be had throughout Aquinnah on Sunday (and for a good part of the weekend). I am (as I’m sure most of us are) used to the cold, winterlike springs that we face on Martha’s Vineyard, and in many parts of New England, but I always reach a point where I would like the weather to be different and not so … Dickensian. Luckily July is just around the corner, and that should boost the temperatures some, at least during the days.

The Aquinnah Public Library is beginning to announce some of its speakers for the summer series. Richard Johnson will speak on July 26, and Phil Weinstein will speak on August 2. Summer Reading will likely kick off at the end of June or beginning of July. Until summer begins in earnest, their regularly scheduled programming will be in effect. Story Time will be on Thursday at 3:30 pm and Saturday at 10:30 am, Kids’ Craft is Saturday from 11 am to 3 pm, the Afterschool Group meets on Tuesday at 4 pm and the Kids’ Singing Group meets on Tuesdays at 5 pm. The next meeting of the book group will be held on June 20 at 3 pm. They will meet to discuss “Miracle Creek” by Angie Kim; copies are available at the library, and anyone is welcome to attend.

Good news! There will be several more Aquinnah Artisans Fairs held throughout the summer and fall at the old Town Hall. The first one was held during the off-season this year, and it was wonderful. We have so many talented people in this town. Plus, the Food Truck was there to provide sustenance while we shopped, and they have been invited to appear again. The summer dates are Saturdays July 13, July 27, August 10, and August 24 from 10 am to 2 pm. If you are interested in participating, you should email Gabbi Camilleri at, and she can send you an application.

There is a fair amount of art already happening in town. The Sargent Gallery is open on the weekends and by appointment. The Seaweed Artist Gallery is open on Lighthouse Road on weekends through June, and will be open every day starting in July.

There was a lovely wedding in Aquinnah this past Saturday; Madeline Grunewald and Brendan MacDevette were married at the Vanderhoop Homestead. Following the ceremony, the bride and groom and their guests walked to the lighthouse for photos, then down to the Outermost Inn for a breakfast buffet. There were just under 50 people in attendance, so it was an intimate and happy affair. Congratulations and much happiness to the bride and groom.

Happy birthday to Emmett Taylor, whose birthday was June 5, and to Sarah Saltonstall, whose birthday is this Saturday.