MVB and the MVSB Charitable Fund award grants to area nonprofits


Martha’s Vineyard Bank and the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund have awarded $15,000 in their third-quarter cycles to nonprofits on-Island and in the surrounding area.

According to a press release, the grants committee meets quarterly, and is committed to the betterment of our community in the areas of education, economic development, health and human services, culture, art and historic heritage, and community services. The five organizations chosen for this quarter provide vital services in these segments:

  • NoticeAbility, led by Dean Bragonier and operating under the mantra “NoticeAbility = No Disability” and “Dyslexic Before It Was Cool,” helps empower affected students with a tailored enrichment curriculum. Its leadership believes, “Once students come to recognize their strengths, they are more inclined to embrace their educational experience, and fulfill their personal and professional potential.”
  • Mass Audubon Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, for its Youth Climate Change initiative, as our young people are the future protectors of the planet. Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary safeguards local habitats and wildlife, and the Martha’s Vineyard landscape.
  • Featherstone Center for the Arts, for a collaborative effort with the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce, the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, Siedman Investment Portfolios, and the Featherstone Center for the Arts for the Vibe Business Accelerator Program, which is a progression of the Mentor and Perfect Pitch programs.
  • New England Life Flight (a.k.a. Boston MedFlight), for the continuing effort to act as a critical-care transport system for patients in need on Martha’s Vineyard. This organization helps the “sickest of the sick, regardless of their ability to pay.” 
  • Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society, for standing by its mission statement, “Live music should be accessible to all, as it expands creativity, enhances intelligence, and enriches the spirit,” according to its website. These funds are directed to Project Cello, which has expanded the society’s educational offerings to an underserved population, ensuring that no student is left out of the ability to participate in musical opportunities.

The next deadline for grant applications is November 19, 2019.

“We are so fortunate to be in a position to help those local organizations that help others,” said James Anthony, president and CEO of Martha’s Vineyard Bank. “So many people out there do amazing work, and we are honored to be a part of their community efforts.”

Since 2006, the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund has been one of the ways that Martha’s Vineyard Bank provides philanthropic support for nonprofit and community service organizations operating throughout the local area. More information about the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund and its community grant program is available online at, or contact Patti J. Leighton, community relations director, at 774-310-2030, or