Happy New Year! I hope everyone has been enjoying the holidays however you celebrate. A friend wrote down one good thing that happened each day on a small scrap of paper and put them in a jar. On tough days she pulled one out just to remind herself things are OK. At the end of the year she read them all. Sometimes we just need to be good to ourselves, even if it’s just a reminder.
Members of our Coast Guard in Menemsha who cannot leave for the holidays welcome leftovers, freshly made or bought dishes, I hear they love snack tostadas and salsa. Feel free to stop by and drop goodies at any time.
I want to acknowledge the transition of Baba Ram Dass, who was a spiritual teacher for many Islanders, influencing a generation to open their hearts and “Be Here Now.” (Bought at my favorite bookshop while in high school, next to the original Whitney Museum on Madison Avenue.)
Schools reopen on Jan. 6.
Chilmark Community Church hot suppers start up again on Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 5:30 pm. All ages welcome to enjoy food, fun and Bananagrams. Thursday Strings from 10-11am is a drop-in, bring your guitar, fiddle, bass, banjo, mandolin or whatever you like to play. Also there’s a weekly Thursday Prayer Group at noon.
The Chilmark Public Library is playing a family movie on Thursday, Jan. 2, at 2 pm, with popcorn provided. Open gaming happens on Saturday, Jan. 4 at 2 pm. Includes board games and Wii U. Spanish Conversation Meet-Up on Tuesday, Jan. 7 from 3:30-4:30pm. A beginner level lesson and open level conversation are intended for those who want to brush up on skills or are learning on their own. Stories and Songs with Rizwan continues on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 10:30 am. There are daily drop-in winter break activities, check the website. Ask Rizwan Malik about the Kids Winter Reading Program on now through March 1. Irene’s Afterschool Craft continues on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm. Food for Fines, as of Jan. 8, is on at our library, or just bring your non-expired donations to the purple Food Pantry collection bin opposite the circulation desk.
Pathways ARTS offers Collage With Meaning workshop with artist Billie Sullivan on two Saturdays, Jan. 4 and 18 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Bring a piece of foam core approx. 18”x24,” and anything you have to work with like scissors, magazines, small objects like buttons, shells etc. to work on your Vision Board collage and manifest what you desire in your life. Some materials available for participants as well. The Writing and Poetry Series has an Open Floor for anyone to sign up on Tuesday, Jan. 7. All evening programs begin at 7 pm, doors open at 6:30 pm. All events are free. Donations are welcome. Learn more about presenting and offerings at https://pathwaysmv.org/.
There is a Jan. 8 deadline for a 1,200 sq. ft. affordable housing condo in Edgartown. Learn more at https://www.chilmarkma.gov/sites/chilmarkma/files/news/4b_magnolia_way_fairway_village_affordable_housing_flyer.pdf.
Pam Glavin, widow of Carl Widdiss, has put a Magical Christmas Tree at his gravesite in the Gay Head Cemetery on Rose Meadow Way off State Road. Stop by and put a decoration on the tree in honor of Carl; write a note with “a promise to do a good deed for someone in need” in Carl’s honor.
Have you thought about volunteering for our local EMS and fire department? If so, talk to Fire Chief Jeremy Bradshaw at 508-645-2550. Ready to volunteer check out organizations at http://www.mvtimes.com/community/useful-information/volunteer-opportunities/). Look at class offerings at Ace MV, Featherstone Center for the Arts, plus the many outstanding programs available through our local libraries. Make this the year you start something new or just begin something you’ve dreamed about for years. Find a way to help support our earth.
2020 rolls off the tongue so much easier than 2019. Have a great week.