If you missed the Yard’s supercharged offering of Victor Quijada’s company Rubberband last week, you better get tickets for the return of Cuba’s brilliant dance and choreographic company Malpaso in March at the PAC. You’ve been forewarned this show will sell out.
If you happen to be in Cambridge, you may want to check out the Herreshoff Legacy exhibit at the MIT Museum, up through May 1, 2021. It is considered a “groundbreaking exhibition tracing the legacy of influential naval engineer Nathanael Greene Herreshoff.” I stumbled upon it while visiting the Polaroid Show, and always love visiting this gem of a museum, with lots of good places to eat close by.
A 24-hour cold snap was followed by snow, rain, then a gorgeous sunny Sunday where dog walkers and families flocked to walk and play on Lucy Vincent Beach. I love that the sun coming out seems to erase any gray-day blahs, and revives my spring energy.
A former student of Sherry Sidotti, Nikomo, returns to M.V. to lead Healing the Wounds of Oppression, a workshop where indigenous practices including circle discussion, yoga asana, song, and dance help you explore the roots of oppression on Saturday, Jan. 25, from 2 to 5 pm at the Yoga Barn. It’s $30, or pay what you can.
Are you ready for the Chilmark School PTO Dance with Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish on Saturday, Feb. 1, with a live and silent auction to benefit the school Outing Program? Contact sarah.fm.waldman@gmail.com to make a donation, accepted until Jan. 24.
Chilmark Community Church hot suppers are on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm; everyone is welcome to bring a dish to share or not. Come enjoy food, fun, and Bananagrams. Thursday Strings from 10 to 11am is a drop-in, bring your guitar, fiddle, bass, banjo, mandolin, or whatever you like to play. Also there’s a weekly Thursday Prayer group at noon.
The Chilmark library hosts dog trainer Karen Ogden on Dogs in Conversation, Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 5 pm, where she explains what it takes to take a dog through the foundation stages of training into actual use in the field for detection with a visual presentation and live demonstration with a dog. Stories and Songs with Rizwan continues on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 10:30 am. Irene’s Afterschool Craft continues on Wednesdays at 3:30. For more info, call 508-645-3360.
Willie Mason, Isaac Taylor, Jodie Treloar, and Alex Karalekas return to Pathways Arts on Friday, Jan. 24, for the electric versions of songs played acoustically two weeks ago. Saturday Collage Workshops from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm continue with Cheyanne Vandall. Bring your own material to work with, including scissors and glue. Pathways provides foamcore, magazines, Mod Podge, and other random stuff. Small boxes to decorate available at cost. On Saturday, Jan. 25, see “Galapagos: Realm of Giant Sharks” (52 minutes), plus shorts, on a 15-foot screen. On Tuesday, Jan. 28, poets Lee McCormack, Jill Jupen, and Donald Nitchie read, followed by an open read. The monthly Soup Social is Thursday, Jan. 30, at 5:30 pm, come join the conversation. All evening programs begin at 7 pm; doors open at 6:30 pm. All events are free, donations welcome. Learn more about presenting and offerings at pathwaysmv.org. Stop by to see the dance art exhibit, write, enjoy your lunch Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am to 5 pm.
Do you have a Chilmark Chocolate story to share? If so feel free to send it to me at onisland@mvtimes.com.
Have a great week.