Pam Dolby joins Edgartown ZBA

Town administrator James Hagerty shows one of the five potential images for the cover of the town's annual report. — Brian Dowd

Selectmen appointed former town administrator Pam Dolby to the zoning board of appeals.

“She knows the bylaws backwards and front,” selectman Arthur Smadbeck said.

“She knows the town,” selectman Margaret Serpa added. 

In other business, selectmen decided on a Michael Blanchard photo of a path to the Edgartown Lighthouse as the next photo for its annual town report.

The winning photo was one of five submitted. The others featured South Beach, Katama farms, downtown Edgartown during the holidays, and a painting of the late Ted Morgan.


  1. So, no one else wanted the job? Personally I would like to see so fresh people involved in town politics, not the same people year after year.

  2. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water !!
    This is a disgrace, and one more example of why things need to be cleaned up in this town!

    • I know . the kids say smh (shaking my head) if Edgartown/Katama didn’t have so many absent and summer residents this would never happen

  3. “She knows the bylaws backwards and front,” selectman Arthur Smadbeck said.

    “She knows the town,” selectman Margaret Serpa added.

    Isn’t it interesting, that, ” knowing the bylaws backwards and front”, and “knowing the town”, and incidentally, every department, inside and out,… were not considered worthy criteria for candidates seeking to fill the Town Administrators position not so very long ago???…How very strange….

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