MVB’s Main Street, Edgartown, location to remain open during renovations


Martha’s Vineyard Bank’s Main Street, Edgartown, location will remain open during renovations. According to a press release, as of Monday, Jan. 27, customers will be asked to use a temporary entrance on School Street. In May, the bank will celebrate the opening of its newly renovated and upgraded financial services experience.

“Martha’s Vineyard Bank’s ever-present goal is to provide creative solutions for our customers,” said James Anthony, president and CEO of Martha’s Vineyard Bank. “When our Edgartown customers said, ‘Going to the Post Office location would be an inconvenience,’ we created the mini-branch in a corner of the Main Street location. When our first mini-branch space was to be sacrificed for the renovation, and our customers said, ‘Any closure of Edgartown Main Street will be an inconvenience,’ our team revisited what we thought was impossible, and is now repurposing office space for a relocated mini-branch. Now our Edgartown Main Street mini-branch will be open for the duration of renovations!”
The bank will provide updates on social media and through news channels as further information becomes available. For more information, contact Christine (“C.J.”) Conrad, vice president, marketing and solution development, 508-684-4171 or; or Patti Leighton, community relations director, at 774-310-2030 or