Oak Bluffs firefighters successfully put out a boat and RV trailer fire late Friday night.
At 9:30 pm, Oak Bluffs Fire and EMS responded to a fire on Pennsylvania Avenue. “The boat and trailer were completely lost. They were both fully engulfed when we pulled up there,” Deputy Chief Manny Rose told The Times in a phone conversation Saturday.
The fire was caused by a man trying to start a gas generator near the boat, when it suddenly exploded.
Firefighters battled the blaze for about two hours, using a Class A firefighting foam and water to put it out, which Rose said was difficult because the boat was made of fiberglass. Rose said the boat and the trailer were completely destroyed.
“A fiberglass boat is nothing but fuel. It just likes to burn and burn and burn,” he said.
No one was injured, including the man operating the gas generator, who walked away from the incident unscathed.
Rose said Oak Bluffs firefighters were able to quell the blaze without any assistance from other departments.
“We didn’t require any assistance, but it was close,” Rose said.