Updated 7:15 pm
A BMW SUV crashed through a window at Edgartown Meat and Fish Monday night just after 6:30 pm.
The driver of the vehicle was a female who is a newly licensed driver, according to Edgartown Police Lt. Chris Dolby. The fish market was not open at the time and no one, including the driver, was injured.
The driver, whose name and age was not immediately available, will be cited for negligent operation of a motor vehicle, Dolby said.
Edgartown firefighters backed the vehicle out of the building and it was towed away. The building inspector is being called in to make sure the building is safe.
This is not the first time Edgartown Meat and Fish has suffered damage. In 2018, a vehicle crashed into the building while it was open. That crash happened while patrons were inside and resulted in injuries and extensive damage to the store.
Updated to include more details. -ed
Good job, MV Times – this only happened about an hour ago.
Good job, MV Times
You know how many people on the island have Scanners who listen to what is going on in Real Time?
Tis, how people on the Island do have scanners? I admit I am not one of them. So, how many people own and listen to scanners on MV? Since we are talking about a news story, what is your source of information for the number of scanner owners out there?
If you have a smartphone you can have a scanner. There are several apps out there. That’s what most people use.
Tis, I don’t have a scanner either…why so negative? They report as fast as they can.
I don’t need to sit around listening to a scanner. Too many better things to do.
Summer is alive and well in Edgartown. How many locals give their newly licensed driver an X5/X6 to drive around in? Or maybe the driver just really wanted Starbucks.
Yes, good move…blame it on someone from off-Island without any knowledge. Way to keep up that Island tradition of disdain for others.
Edgartown Police identified the driver as being from Boston. WashAbhored , is there anything you now wish to say to A.S.?
Time to put a “Please Do Not Park Your Car In Our Building” notice out front?
Good start on a drive through service?
2 things, 1st there are more people listening to the scanner on the island than you can believe. In the summer it is a constant source of entertainment. With the technology out there you can listen to everything if you know how to program the device correctly. I don’t even listen to the radio in the truck anymore, the scanner is by far more interesting.
2nd, time for some cement bollards in front of the store. I’m sure the newly licensed driver got a lesson that will not be forgotten.
They should just make it a “drive-thru” market
Thankful that no one was injured, EM&F may want to have the landlord install bollards in the not too distant future.
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