Old stone marker stolen in West Tisbury


West Tisbury Police are investigating the theft of a stone boundary marker from a property that abuts Old Holmes Hole Road. The stone marker was chisel-shaped and close to Old Holmes Hole Road — a bygone way that has narrowed to a woodland path used by walkers, equestrians, and bicyclists. Property owner Meg Carman, an ER nurse practitioner at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, said she noticed the stone was gone on Sunday. Carman said her family has owned the land relative to the stone bound, some 17 acres, since 1902. She recalled her father bringing her out to see it when she was a child. Carman believes the stone was centuries old. 

“It’s just sad this piece of the Island is gone,” she said.

She said she’s at a loss as to why anyone would take the stone. 

Police Chief Matt Mincone said officers have been to the site of the missing stone, and the investigation is ongoing.