Attention on farmers market is misguided


To the Editor:

Regarding Rich Saltzberg’s story on the West Tisbury select board, “Merchandise at farmers market questioned” (Sept. 3).

Thank goodness Skipper Manter and Kent Healy are protecting us from the farmers market scofflaws! God forbid our Island and town business owners and farmers try to make a living during a pandemic. We are so fortunate to have them on the case!

But seriously, first was the oyster giveaway, then it was local farmers seeking a market for their excess produce, and now this. Local business owners trying to survive when upwards of 50 percent may not make it past the season. The Vineyard Conservation Society is the governing body for the agriculture preservation restriction on Ag Society property, so if it’s good enough for them it should be good enough for us.

Doesn’t the West Tisbury select board have better things to attend to, like the crisis of housing in our town, or further ways to prevent community spread of a virus?

While we still have time, let’s walk the farmers market admiring and procuring handmade goods and food. Let’s give our Island businesses a helping hand, not tie their hands. And if the W.T. select board has nothing better to spend their time on than this, then maybe we need to question whether they are doing their job.

Mike Bellissimo
West Tisbury