COVID case confirmed in Project Headway classroom

A child in Project Headway, which is located at Grace Church in Vineyard Haven, has tested positive for COVID-19. - Gabrielle Mannino

A positive COVID-19 case has been confirmed in the Project Headway program, a play-based preschool program that serves children ages 3 to 5 years old with and without disabilities.

The Times confirmed the positive case of a child in the program with Jen Royal of Project Headway, who said that superintendent Matt D’Andrea sent a letter out to families notifying them of the situation. 

Royal said the staff at Project Headway did “an amazing job” of responding quickly to the positive case, distributing personal protective equipment, and enforcing health protocols. 

She added that there will be a parent forum tomorrow for that particular classroom where the positive case was identified.

According to Royal, contact tracing within the classroom is being conducted by the board of health to determine possible exposure.

“We are respecting the identity and the privacy of the family, and are following all the necessary protocols,” Royal said.

In the letter to families, D’Andrea writes that the case was identified within the preschool program located at the Grace Church in Vineyard Haven.

If a child is determined to have had close contact with the COVID positive individual, correspondence will be sent out by the board of health to the family.

“It is imperative that you cooperate with the board of health agent and the schools to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community,” the letter reads.

The letter advises families to continue to monitor their children for any symptoms of COVID, and complete the daily checklist prior to arriving at school each morning. 

“If your child is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, please keep him/her home and contact your primary care physician,” the letter reads.