Edgartown: Patrolmen’s Association

—MV Times

Quick turnaround time between my last column and this one! The holiday season is upon us and Thanksgiving is here. That seemed so fast to me. Of course, the weather was so gorgeous a couple of weeks ago that many of us fanatics went swimming, so that could be throwing me off. As I write this, our family has made no Thanksgiving plans. We never have a big celebration anyway. And this year, Riley won’t be home and Kiana’s return is up in the air due to COVID, so no matter what we do, it will be small. Small is safest this year anyway, right? If we skip the big celebrations this year, it will help protect our loved ones so that we are all here for next year.

Jean Bishop called me tonight to wish her grandson, Will Bishop, an officer with the Edgartown Police Department, a happy birthday on Nov. 25. She also added how proud she is of him for his part in starting the annual tradition of the Patrolmen’s Association, which provides Thanksgiving dinners to community members in need. This year, their sixth year doing so I believe, they are providing turkey and side dishes to approximately 35 families. She said she is incredibly proud of him and his co-workers for their efforts. Happy birthday, Will. And thank you to all of the officers who help our community in so many valuable ways.

Waterside Market isn’t in Edgartown, but I received an email today that their Black Friday deals have begun. If you buy a gift certificate for $100, you get an additional gift certificate for $50. This deal is valid until Nov. 27, or until 500 cards have been sold. Seems like a pretty good deal. La Soffitta is making the same offer. Any Edgartown businesses who would like to share holiday deals, please let me know. This is a very important year to shop local as much as we can!

Big happy birthday wishes go out to Griffin Craig, who celebrates on Nov. 25. Big sister Amelia will be making his cake this year. He requested a vanilla cake with whipped cream frosting and crushed Oreos. I hope I get to lick the bowl!

COVID numbers are still on the rise here. It will likely be a weird year in school, with teachers and kids in and out of school, quarantining due to close contacts or positive tests. We’ve had a handful of kids and teachers out over the last couple of weeks. It’s very strange to try to make adjustments to the fluctuations. Last week, my class was very small, with just a few kids. As the numbers go up, some families have kept their kids home as a precaution, while others have been required to be home. It makes teaching a challenge. And teachers are being juggled to make sure we have adequate coverage when staff members are absent. So every day brings new challenges. I tend to fall asleep on the couch most evenings as a result. I’m getting old and tired I reckon.

We will be decorating the house for Christmas this weekend. For us that pretty much just means lights around the porch. I’ve already seen some decorations around town, and it is definitely a cheery sight. I encourage everyone who can to decorate to help brighten up our combined lives during these hard times.

That’s about all for this week. Not much new news to share so close to the last column. Have a wonderful week and a great Thanksgiving. Wear your mask. Keep your distance. And be safe.

If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner, ggardnermv@gmail.com.