Make a sailor’s valentine

Vineyard Haven library — Kyra Steck

Visit the Vineyard Haven library on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 31, to pick up your monthly Take and Make craft bags. Instructions for this month’s craft will be available on CreativeBug, the library’s online resource for arts and crafts instruction videos. Bags will be available for pickup from the library entry from 3 to 5 pm that Sunday. If you miss the pickup time, email Jennifer at to arrange for pickup, while supplies last. Create your Creativebug account by visiting this link and entering your 13 digit library card number:

An online M.V. Poetry Reading Group meets via Zoom at 10:30 am on Tuesday, Feb. 2. The interactive group features a poem from the earliest Greeks to contemporary poets. The poetry is read and discussed as a group, adding new dimensions to understanding. There are no qualifications to take part in the group, which has been meeting for 10 years.

Visit or call 508-696-4211 for more information about these events and more programming.