Glancing quickly out my window, I see a scattering of white blossoms on some of the shrubs and trees in our woods, delicate and airy like the first flowers on our cherry trees in spring. Looking more carefully, it is clearly snow that has frozen along the branches. Still, it makes a pretty effect.
The whole week of snow almost every day has been lovely. Best is that it’s stayed cold enough to last. Seeing sledders and skaters has been a welcome sight, one we haven’t been able to enjoy the past few warmer winters.
I received the news that Steve Bryant died last week in Maine, where he had moved from West Tisbury years ago. An avid hunter and fisherman like his father Nelson, Uncle Danny, and brother Jeffrey, Steve had always dreamed of living in the remote wilds of some of their best outdoor adventures.
Steve always took credit for being the person who introduced me to Mike; we ran into each other in Steve’s building inspector’s office when he worked for Edgartown. Steve was married to Mike’s cousin Lissa, who died before him. Their son Justin still lives in West Tisbury with his family. Their daughter Robin is in Maine, where she lived with her father. Condolences to all.
Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority has announced a new community outreach service, Ride the VTA Vaccination Drive, in cooperation with Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. The service is free to all riders en route to the hospital for their vaccinations, then back home again. Just tell the driver when you board the bus. The #13 bus currently leaves Vineyard Haven going past the hospital at 55 minutes past every hour and leaves from opposite Ocean Park at 39 minutes past for the return trip. You may make arrangements for Lift service if you aren’t on a bus route by calling the VTA office; 508 693-9440, press 1 to leave your message. Buses are cleaned and sanitized regularly throughout the day and mask-wearing is required. For more information, check the VTA website,, call the number above, or email
Patti and Dick Goodell are the very proud grandparents of Lt. Thomas B. Goodell, who has recently deployed to the Middle East aboard the USS Makin Island. A 2015 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he is serving as a MH-60R helicopter pilot. His wife, Felicia, also a 2015 Naval Academy graduate, is presently attending the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.
Thomas was well-known on the Island for his prowess as a gymnast who won several state and regional titles while a student at the MVRHS. He continued his gymnastics career as a member of the Naval Academy team and individually competed three times in NCAA National Championships. Thomas is the son of Beth Goodell of West Tisbury and Todd Goodell of Chappaquiddick.
Happiest birthday wishes to Robert Knight, who celebrated his 94th birthday on Feb. 19. His daughter, Minor, said that she planned a quiet day at home this year.
Good wishes to Dianne Powers, who has recently moved off-Island to be closer to her family in Pennsylvania. She has been a visible and much-admired resident of West Tisbury for a very long time. She was a friend to many, and active in the business of our town. She will be missed. I wish her well in her new life.
Congratulations to all the MVRHS students who participated in the 2020-2021 Scholastic Art and Writing Competition. Take a look at the MV Times website to see some of the winning art entries. They are amazing.
It is supposed to be up in the 40s this coming week, melting the snow I glorified at the beginning of this column. Our pretty winter white will turn into a slushy, muddy mess. Make sure to wear your boots when you go outside. We will have to wait to see if March comes in like a lion or a lamb.
If you have any West Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Hermine Hull,