Edgartown: Early signs of spring

—MV Times

I’m sitting here writing this week’s column on Sunday night, the final night of February vacation and the eve of March. After several days last week that hinted at spring on the horizon, it looks like March may be coming in like a lion, with wind, rain, and colder temperatures in the forecast this week. That said, daffodils are peeking up through the soil here, and there and some friends even posted some pictures of crocuses already in bloom. So, while there will likely still be some cold and even some snow in our future, it can’t hold on anymore. Winter is slowly losing its grip and spring will soon be here.

Tom Dresser is hosting a Zoom book talk on “Ghosts of Martha’s Vineyard” through the Falmouth Historical Society on March 4 at 7 pm.  The cost is $10 and you may register at MuseumsontheGreen.org. Tom will also be reading a poem at the COVID Monologues M.V. event on March 20.

Happy birthday to Nelson Oliver, who celebrated on Feb. 28, Mark Hess, who celebrated on March 1, and Kathy Case on March 3. And happy anniversary to Cookie and Alfred Perry, who celebrated 52 years of wedded bliss on March 1.

It’s so nice to see signs of spring … literally on signs. Porto Pizza has re-opened after a short winter break while Tony and Taylor got hitched. Congratulations to the happy couple and welcome back to reality. Also opening this week is Pie Chicks. Amelia went back to work last week baking and prepping and as I drove by the other day, I saw the sign announcing their opening. These signs of spring are almost as exciting as flowers popping. Any other businesses opening up this month, particularly in Edgartown?

I’m very saddened to hear the news of the recent passing of Herb Foster. What a great guy he was, so smart and kind. I’m so glad he got to celebrate his birthday a few weeks ago with a community parade. He will be sorely missed in our community. My condolences to his family.

It seems like there is a little uptick in things to do these days, albeit most of which are still “virtual” to be COVID safe. The M.V. Film Center, the Family Center, and the libraries have a number of offerings, from movies, to crafts, to story times, to yoga. Check out the Things to Do section of the MV Times at mvtimes.com/things-to-do for details. Our little Island is waking up, at least a little.

There was a public, online screening of the documentary “The Social Dilemma” back in January, a movie about how social media works on our brains and lives. It’s truly one of those “it’s a blessing and a curse” things. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, you can watch it on Netflix. It is well worth tuning in, especially if you have kids who seem addicted to screens and social media. It’s powerful. As a social media user and a tech teacher, I highly recommend it.

This is a reminder that school banking starts on Thursday, March 4. For details and to sign up, visit edgartownschool.org.

The VTA has shared some new services they’re offering. They are offering free transportation to the hospital for COVID vaccines if you have an appointment. Just tell the driver you have an appointment for the vaccine or call the VTA office at 508-693-9440 and press 1 for more information. Also available are free rides if you need to go to the Island Food Pantry at the P.A. Club in Oak Bluffs. And kids and any accompanying caregivers will be able to ride free to activities during April vacation week. For all this information and more, check out their website at vineyardtransit.com or call 508-693-9440 and press 1 for more information.

COVID vaccines hit a few snarls this past weekend, as the hospital wasn’t set to receive any new doses in time for the Saturday morning signups. But by Sunday, the announcement was made that more was due in and scheduling resumed Monday morning and filled up within a couple of hours. I know that it is so hard to be patient while everyone vies for the coveted appointments. The hospital staff is working hard and doing a great job and each week, things will get a little easier hopefully. If you have computer access and know someone who needs to sign up for a vaccine but doesn’t use computers, perhaps you can help them out. Check in on your friends, family, and neighbors. It’s still so important for us all to follow the Covid protocols, stick together, and help each other out whenever we can. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Wash your hands. Wear your masks. Practice social distancing. The shot is helpful and a game changer, but it isn’t a cure all.

Have a great week. I’d love to get some news for next week. Feel free to email me at ggardnermv@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from folks.

If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner, ggardnermv@gmail.com.