Vaccine sign-ups to continue Monday

Going forward, hospital will open scheduling for new appointments on Saturdays and Mondays.

There were no new cases of COVID-19 last week, a first for the Island in 2021.

COVID-19 vaccine appointment booking for eligible individuals at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital — including K-12 educators and school staff—will continue Monday, March 8 at 5 pm. 

While no new appointments will be scheduled on Saturday, March 6, the hospital will dedicate Mondays and Saturdays for vaccine sign-up. On Monday, March 8, at 5 pm new appointments will be available for March 11, 12, and 13. Then on Saturday, March 13, at 8 am new appointments will be available for March 16 and 17.

To sign up for a vaccine go to and click the yellow bar at the top of the page. From there, follow the instructions for appointment sign up.

The state is currently in phase two, step two of its vaccine rollout plan which includes individuals aged 65 and older, those with two or more chronic health conditions, and residents and staff of low income and affordable senior housing. State designated chronic health conditions are: asthma, cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, down syndrome, heart conditions, immunocompromised, obesity, pregnancy, sickle cell disease, smoking, and type 2 diabetes.

Gov. Charlie Baker announced Wednesday that K-12 educators and school staff are next in line for vaccine eligibility beginning March 11. Educators and school staff on Martha’s Vineyard can begin booking appointments on March 8 via the hospital’s website.

The hospital is working with superintendent Matt D’Andrea to schedule a dedicated clinic for Island public school employees on March 11. Details for that clinic are being worked out.

Two new COVID cases Friday

The Martha’s Vineyard boards of health reported two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 from the hospital Friday, continuing a trend of low confirmed cases on the Island in the past two weeks.

The boards of health report there are only 16 active COVID-19 cases on the Island — down from 21 the week before.

The hospital has conducted 14,207 tests for COVID-19 since March. Of those, 662 have tested positive, and 13,524 negative. There are 21 tests are pending results. One patient is currently hospitalized for COVID-19.

As of Friday, TestMV has conducted 34,350 tests since June. Of those, 256 have tested positive, 33,500 negative, and 594 are pending results.

The town of Aquinnah has conducted 442 tests, of which one has come back positive, 431 negative, and 10 pending results.

The Martha’s Vineyard public schools have tested 5,239 individuals. Of those, four have tested positive. The public school data is updated once a week on Mondays.

The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) has reported a total of seven positive cases of COVID-19.

Due to how tests are conducted, there can be a discrepancy between the number of positive individuals and the number of positive tests reported.

The vast majority of COVID-19 cases have been reported since the end of October, when the Island’s first cluster of cases was linked to a wedding in October. Since then, the Island has seen 846 cases of COVID-19 — several times the 89 cases reported on the Island between when testing began in March and mid-October.

In addition to the wedding cluster, which reported eight cases, clusters at Cronig’s Market, with 19 cases, and a Bible study group, with 11 cases, a five-case cluster at the hospital, and a four-case cluster at Project Headway.

At the state level there were 1,410 new confirmed cases Thursday. There are an estimated 27,763 active cases statewide. Massachusetts’ seven day average of percent positivity is 1.75 percent. On Thursday there were 42 COVID-ralted deaths for a total of 15,967 since March 2020.


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