A mariner from the Steamship Authority ferry Eagle and a worker from the Woods Hole terminal have tested positive for COVID-19.
The mariner last worked aboard the Eagle on the Hyannis–Nantucket route on a watch beginning with the vessel’s 2:45 pm departure from Hyannis on March 17 and ending March 18 at 2:15 pm in Hyannis, according to a release.
“The employee subsequently felt ill and received a test for COVID-19; after receiving the positive test result late on Saturday, March 20, 2021, the employee immediately notified the authority,” a release states.
The Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment and Cape Cod Healthcare will facilitate tests for any employees “in close contact” with the infected mariner, according to a release.
“Those employees will not be allowed to return to work until after a negative test result is received or they are cleared to work by a medical professional,” a release states.
The Woods Hole terminal employee last worked March 19, and “subsequently felt ill and received a test for COVID-19; after receiving the positive result on Sunday, March 21, 2021, the employee immediately notified the authority,” a release states.
Similar to the mariner, employees deemed to have had “close contact” with the terminal employee cannot return to work without a negative test and clearance from someone in the medical field, according to a release.
“Due to their typical work duties, the terminal employee was unlikely to have any prolonged exposure with the public during their work hours,” a release states.
The names of the two people who tested positive have been withheld by the SSA for reasons of medical privacy.
“No operational changes or interruptions are anticipated because of these reports,” a release states.