COVID cases remain at lowest this year

Only two new cases were reported last week.


Confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to remain low on the Island, with only two new cases reported last week, according to a report from the Martha’s Vineyard boards of health.

Of the new cases, one was symptomatic and the other had no symptoms. One was in their 20s and the other was in their 50s.

The report of two new cases comes after only one case was reported the previous week — the lowest weekly case count this year.

In total, the Vineyard has reported 1,506 confirmed cases, 773 male and 733 female. Additionally, there have been 82 probable positive cases reported through antibody tests and symptomatically positive cases, 48 male and 34 female.

The hospital has administered over 26,000 vaccine doses — 13,523 first doses and 13,290 second doses. According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), 100 percent of people in Dukes County have had at least one vaccination dose and are eligible for their second, and 90 percent of people are fully vaccinated. 

As of June 8, the hospital has administered a total of 19,259 COVID tests. Of those 1,087 are positives and 18,164 are negatives. 

The TestMV site has administered a total of 38,446 COVID tests. Of those 375 are positives, 37,939 negatives, and 132 are pending results. 

The town of Aquinnah has administered 456 tests, with only two positive results.

The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) has reported a total of 14 positive cases of COVID-19.

The Island has reported nine COVID clusters, including an October wedding (eight cases), Cronig’s Market (19 cases), a Bible study group (11 cases), M.V. Hospital (five cases), Project Headway (four cases), King’s barbershop (eight cases), Shirley’s Hardware (all six staff), the Barn Bowl & Bistro (nine cases), and Cardboard Box (three). A cluster is defined as more than two people from different families or households with a shared source of infection.

Due to how tests are conducted, there can be a discrepancy between the number of positive individuals and the number of positive tests reported.



  1. John its not over until and unless Diez and Keller say its over. Only then will it be over and that means a long long time because they will bring up variants and vaccinated still getting it and all manner of excuses. These two want government control over our lives. they rant and rave over any issue that does not conform to their own world view and would be totally lost without this forum.

  2. 100 % ??
    where did they get that number ?
    I know 3 people who are not and will not get vaccinated. That 100% number is no where near correct.

  3. Andrew– once again, you are telling me what I think.
    I guess you have repented and will not talk about BLM or antifa or socialist or AOC or Hillary or Hunter Biden in the future.
    I think you are the one who wants government control over our lives.
    Let me ask you a few questions about “government control” —
    If a woman is raped, who should decide if she can terminate a pregnancy if that happens ?
    How about if a woman is just having sex with her friends and she gets pregnant ?
    Who should decide what bathroom a transgender person can use ?
    Who should decide who you choose to marry ?
    Who should decide whether a gay couple can adopt a baby, or for that matter, participate in
    a foster care program ?
    Who should decide what curriculum is taught in public schools ?
    Who should decide which seat you can sit in on a public bus based on the color of your skin ?
    Why did you not complain about government control of lives through Jim Crow laws ?

    I hope you had a nice Juneteenth, and celebrated the day the government “controlled” the lives of a few thousand slave owners, and liberated a few hundred thousand slaves .
    Nice little bit of ranting and raving in the comment above, by the way–

    • Keller, government ruins everything it touches. Federal state and local and there is empirical evidence to that fact. Bureaucrats who spend our money without judgment telling us how to live our lives from shopping bags to masks to vaccinations to wars to same sex marriage and defund the police and transgender/BLT. The local Tisbury school debacle in allowing the school to detriorate is local government at its worst. Close to 30 trillion in debt, Afghanistan,roads and bridges in disrepair–all of it. Look around Keller. It doesnt serve the taxpapyer it is all about power and lobbying and manipulation. The items you mention are all Supreme Court issues and not bureacracy.

  4. 100% vaccination rate? No way is this true in real life. I know a few people as well that refuse to the vaccine and they live year round.

    What’s going on with DQ and Granite?? Is it the mask policy?? I’m here to tell you if they want you to wear a mask to patronize their businesses, they can legally keep you out. They are privately owned, so if you don’t like it, go somewhere else.

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