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“The favorite part of my job is finding stories. I’ll never run out of stories to tell on Martha's
Vineyard.” –Jamie Kageleiry, associate publisher — Jeremy Driesen

“The biggest challenge has been finding that balance of supporting businesses that are struggling while also supporting this business.” –Jenna Lambert, ad sales and marketing, on doing advertising sales during COVID — Jeremy Driesen

“A publisher has to worry about whether a paper can make it financially.” –Barbara Oberfest, owner and publisher with her husband, Peter Oberfest — Jeremy Driesen

“It’s a thriving place to be. There’s always something going on.” –Connie Berry, features editor — Jeremy Driesen

“Getting up at 5 am to pick up the newspapers isn’t the best thing, but it keeps you up to date on the news, right?” –Samantha Church, classifieds and circulation — Jeremy Driesen
A year ago, I didn’t know any of these people, but it was around this time last year that I started shooting for The Times, and all these wonderful folks became an integral part of my world. I don’t know how I would have gotten through COVID without them.