To the Editor:
I wanted to thank everyone in the Fluke for Luke family for such a great weekend! Jacob, Sam, and I are truly blessed and feel immensely grateful for the love and support this community has shown us over the past five years. Thank you to all of the guys who come together to plan and organize this event, to everyone who helps with the auction and awards ceremony, to those who make generous donations, and to all who come from near and far to fish and keep Luke’s spirit alive.
Sunday’s culminating event was fun, uplifting, and absolutely amazing. Gathering together with family and friends was comforting and good for the soul — you could feel the positive energy, hear the laughter, and see the joy in people’s faces. Luke was someone who truly valued his interactions with others, and understood the importance of taking time to really connect. That day was perfect.
There is a well-known proverb that states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” This means that to raise a child well, it takes a communal effort to teach them values, responsibilities, and life lessons. The Fluke for Luke family fulfills all of these requirements. Year after year you continue to teach Jacob and Sam the values of kindness and gratitude, which will teach them to have a generous spirit and a positive outlook. You are teaching them that one of their responsibilities is to care about others and to do their part to help, whether big or small. Inevitably, this “family” is teaching them valuable life lessons on how to stand strong in moments of challenge, and that the measure of a person’s life has nothing to do with how long it was but instead about how one lived and the lives they touched.
Again, thank you. With the support of the Fluke for Luke family, the boys will be able to follow their passion and go after their dreams just like their dad, and there is no better way for them to honor him. Ultimately, you are providing them the opportunity to become the men Luke and I always envisioned. There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Robyn Gurney
Oak Bluffs