Fourth Annual Legacy Week from the HBCU returns


The week of July 24 to 31 marks the return of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Brand Partners Legacy Week.

This year, the HBCU and all those attending the events will be celebrating the fourth year of Legacy Week, with LWV founder Sheryl Wesley still as active in planning the week as ever. She says the event “was created to engage, empower, and highlight the bond and value of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. This will be an ideal opportunity to relax, connect with fellow HBCU alumni and their families, and participate in events both fun and impactful. We will party with a purpose, build new bonds, and get strategic in sustaining the legacies of our great schools.”

The 2021 schedule includes events dedicated to some of these historically Black schools, including Howard University, Winston-Salem State University, Spelman College, Morehouse College, Morgan State University, Bowie State University, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Norfolk University, Virginia Union University, Virginia State University, and Hampton University. AllHBCU alumni are invited and encouraged to attend.

The week is packed with events with something special to do every day, including 7 am yoga at the Inkwell followed by a 7:30 am Polar Bear Swim at the Inkwell every day. Visit for the entire schedule.