Up-Island Council on Aging — August 2021

Howes House, the location of the Up-Island Council on Aging. — Mae Deary

Audiology Clinic
Hearing loss and increased challenges in communicating are realities to many in our aging communities. Howes House has teamed up with Dr. Lesley Segal of Vineyard Audiology for monthly individual hearing clinics and presentations. The fourth Tuesday of the month. Call us to make an appointment.

Discussion Group
Weekly discussion group on Tuesdays from 1:30 – 3 pm on the patio. Join our popular group for discussions of contemporary and controversial subjects. All are welcome.

Island Grown Initiative (IGI) Mobile Market
Mobile Market will be at Howes House on Tuesdays 2:45 – 4 pm. Preorder pickups from 2:45 – 3 pm. Open market from 3 – 4 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase local produce from various Island farms. SNAP and HIP benefits accepted. Mobile Market is for all ages and incomes.

Pedicare Clinic is Back
Beginning on Monday, July 26, our Pedicare Clinic is back. Grete will be performing the pedicare service. Appointments start at 9:30 am, and there will be a maximum of 4 appointments per day. Appointments and masks are required.

Men’s Card Group
Gin, rummy, cribbage or backgammon. Join our men’s card group.

Some programs may remain virtual, dependent on class size. Please call to see the status of your favorite program. Call 508-693-2896 or email coa-clerk@westtisbury-ma.gov.