New freezers up and running at VH Stop & Shop 

A crane was seen lifting a large piece of equipment onto the roof of the Vineyard Haven Stop & Shop Wednesday. -Rich Satzberg

The freezers in the frozen foods department of Vineyard Haven Stop & Shop are up and running again after roughly a week of being out of commission.

According to an email sent to The Times by Stop & Shop external communications manager, Maria Fruci, the Vineyard Haven location’s freezers were not working properly and were in need of replacement. 

All the frozen food from the original freezers that were replaced was stored in temperature-controlled units until the new freezers could be installed. 

On Friday morning, all the new freezers were labeled with pieces of paper indicating what would be stored in them, and staff were working to stock the freezers by the end of the day.

“We appreciate our customers’ patience and understanding,” Fruci wrote.

On Wednesday, a large crane was stationed next to Stop & Shop lifting what appeared to be refrigeration machinery onto the roof, although store officials did not confirm that it was refrigeration units they were installing. 

Tisbury building commissioner Ross Seavey told The Times via text message that no one from Stop & Shop had contacted his office about work occurring there, or anything about replacing the freezers.

I’ll inquire with them, but it may be something not covered by the Massachusetts building code,” Seavey wrote.


  1. Does this mean we won’t have to listen to the generator running the freezer trailer parked outside in the Town parking Lot?

  2. Somebody has to listen to generators that power refrigeration.
    Why not the people who benefit from the refrigeration?

  3. Looking for the Great Raspberry Sorbet we bought every week last season, PLEASE, BRING IT BACK!..

  4. Interesting that a few weeks back the refrigeration at the Nantucket Mid-Island Stop & Shop failed and had to be repaired and now replaced on the Vineyard. Maybe the grocery lifeline stores for the islands should put some money in maintenance and repairs instead of just taking money from the residents

    • Vineyard Haven has the Stop and Shop it deserves, thanks to the voters who bit off their nose to spite their face when S&S tried to give the island a new and better store. Prices, sales, and wonderful employees still make it a great place to shop. They still have 6AM opening for seniors, though I hope they go back to mandatory masks.

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