The combination of Saturday’s weather forecast and existing power outages has pushed the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) and Nantucket High School annual Island Cup football game to Sunday and also changed the Cape & Island League cross-country championships to Tuesday.
Both events were scheduled for Saturday. The rescheduling also means that boys and girls soccer matches, a field hockey match, and a JV football game, all between the two Island schools, will also be played on Sunday prior to the 2 pm Island Cup kickoff, harried MVRHS athletic director Mark McCarthy told the times on Friday.
“I’ve spent the last two days on the phone with [Nantucket Athletic director] Travis Lombardi and checking with coaches, schools and the Steamship Authority as we all have been trying to put [the Sunday reschedule] together,“ McCarthy said, adding “we need to thank the Steamship Authority for their flexibility and willingness to provide boats for us on Sunday and to the Island Touchdown Club and Ryan Ruley who coordinated with SSA for us.”
The teams also had to make sure they could get officials to the game.
“We were also concerned about getting game officials over from Hyannis to Nantucket on Saturday. Wouldn’t do us any good if we got the team over but the Hyannis boat wasn’t running,” McCarthy said.
Fans can watch the game live on Channel 14 (MVTV- Martha’s Vineyard), Channel 18 (NCTV- Nantucket) or on Youtube. Following an agreement by the two Island community TV stations to co-broadcast the game.
The Sunday games schedule on Nantucket is:
- Girls soccer at 10 am
- Boys soccer at 12 pm
- Field hockey at 10 am
- JV football kickoff at 11:30 am
- Varsity Football Island Cup at 2 pm
The Cape & Islands cross country championships originally set for Saturday at Dennis-Yarmouth High School will still be held at D-Y on Tuesday though the start time is TBA. The Vineyarders are undefeated in C&I competition.
“Barnstable and Nauset are still without power—they haven’t been in school for two days—and weren’t sure they could get there and Nantucket and the Island faced weather issues with the ferry on Saturday, so we moved it,” McCarthy said.
At last check, McCarthy said seats were still available on the Sunday morning ferry leaving Vineyard Haven. Travelers should plan to arrive by 7 am.