Condolences to the extended Healy family and friends on the loss of Kent Healy. Although I did not know him as a friend, we certainly said hello and had a few brief conversations over the years. I was always struck by his soft spoken kindness.
Losing June Manning last week is something that clearly is felt Island-wide. June was so welcoming when I moved up-Island. After taking on the the town column she never stopped sharing information about Community Services events and fundraisers, as well as reaching out to care for the local Coast Guard families, bringing extra food at the holidays for those still on duty, or letting me know when a new family arrived who may need some extra furniture or housewares. Whether you only knew her in recent years as the woman selling Chilmark beach stickers or met her during her volunteer days at Chicken Alley (from my short history here), she was always ready to greet you with a smile and kind word. It was a pleasure running into June up at Cliffhangers enjoying music on a Thursday summer evening. Hearing what she managed to pack into a single day, how much she volunteered for causes close to her heart and her tireless support of the tribe, organizations and so many people here always served as inspiration. Read more at
One of the things June Manning liked to make sure happened is sharing Thanksgiving with the USCG crew who have to work over the holiday. If you would like to donate dishes, soft drinks, snacks or desserts for seven crew members feel free to bring them by the Menemsha station house between 4 and 5 pm on Wednesday or Thursday. Just knock on the front door, and know they will be very happy to receive them. If you want to keep up on the latest local Coast Guard news see
Is it just me or are tornado warnings becoming more commonplace? We were lucky to be spared on Saturday evening.
If you’re interested in the Chilmark town treasurer position, please send a cover letter and resume by Nov. 22 at 5 pm to or for information.
If you still need to order dishes, sweets, or rolls for Thanksgiving, check out Grey Barn’s offerings at, and perhaps you may need Jan Buhrman’s gluten-free vegan hazelnut pie-crust recipe,
The M.V. League of Women Voters installed a purple drop box for used inkjet printer cartridges at town hall, in the entrance, on the left, next to the phone books. They’re returned to a recycler, help keep thousands of cartridges from a landfill. Questions? Contact Irene Ziebarth at 202-680-8076 or at
A Long Talk About the Uncomfortable Truth is working with the M.V. Community of Change and Sassafras to put in the work that is needed to enhance and empower a culture of anti-racism across the Island. Join a Long Talk virtual community conversation on Thursdays, Nov. 18, from 8 to 9:30 pm (more dates in December too). Sign up at
Pathways is back “keeping a light on in Chilmark.” Programs are hybrid, physical attendees must register in advance. Washington Ledesma’s Early Paintings: 1971 -1981 will open Friday, Nov. 19 through December, Friday to Sunday, 11 am to 5 pm. Local seniors can share during Grey Matters on Zoom with Genevieve Abbott every other Friday, from 10 to 11 am, Nov. 19, Dec. 3 and on. Contact for more info and a Zoom link. Check out inspiring videos of the week and other programs at
The Chilmark library hosts another season of Vineyard Bingo on Zoom, join the fun on Saturday Nov. 20, at 6 pm. Email for the Zoom link. The last Take and Make Thursday this month is Nov. 18. For more info contact the library at 508-645-3360 or visit
The Chilmark Community Church Sunday 9 am services are held on Zoom, the meeting ID is 890 298 4151, password 332743, or join them at
Check It’s a Chilmark Thing on Facebook for up-to-date information about our town and Island.
Have a good week.