Cribbage Club


On Wednesday, Nov. 10, 22 players showed up at the American Legion in Edgartown to play cribbage. We play six games with 2 points awarded per win (3 for a win greater than 30 points).

The results are as follows;

1st: Collin Evanson with a 13/6 +127 card

2nd: Roy Scheffer with a 13/5 + 99 card

3rd: Suzanne Cioffi with a 12/5 + -91 card

4th: Mary Alice Russell with a 12/5 + 75 card

5th: David Pothier with a 10/4 + 84 card

We had two 24-point hands and a total of 15 (!) skunks (a win greater than 30 points).
We play every Wednesday night; sign in is at 5:45 and play starts at 6 pm sharp.
If you like cribbage and can play a game in 20 minutes, come on down and join the fun.