Ryan Giordano made Vineyard figure skating history by passing his second gold test this month, becoming only the second skater to do so in the Martha’s Vineyard Ice Arena’s 40-year history.
Giordano passed his senior solo free dance, which is a three-minute program choreographed with skating skills and spins, but no jumps.
Altogether, the program was a five-month effort that began in August, according to Ryan’s coach, Jane Elizabeth Taylor.
Ryan told The Times his program was different from others he’s done, since there were no jumps involved. “It was easier because I didn’t have to land jumps,” he said. “You focus more on presentation rather than doing elements correctly.”
Ryan chose to skate to two songs from Disney’s “Frozen”: the beginning number and “Into the Unknown,” and combined them into one. He decided on “Frozen” because it was a movie he watched when he was younger, and one that his younger cousins watch today.
Ryan’s gold performance came following recovery from a lower spinal injury: “It was definitely challenging. Once I was back on the ice, I could only do certain things.”
“His completion of it is a testament to his commitment to this sport and his personal goals,” Taylor told The Times.
The skills Ryan completed are part of a national standard set by U.S. Figure Skating. Over the course of their careers, skaters progress through up to eight levels of various disciplines. Ryan has now completed moves in the field and solo free dance. Next up, Ryan will focus on his triple jumps and passing his freestyle tests for a third gold.
In addition to skating, Ryan plans to attend a four-year college, and has applied to schools in California, Arizona, Florida, and Massachusetts.