Chilmark: The unofficial mayor of Menemsha

In the dead of winter, one can always find inspiration at Lucy Vincent Beach. — Valerie Sonnenthal

March 1 was my mother’s birthday; she was born in 1918, and passed away in 2003. This last week my 93-year-old stepbrother passed away, the next day the 100-year-old dad of a dear friend, and then the day following, the unofficial mayor of Menemsha, Everett Poole, 91, passed on. I am glad he was able to transition from his Island surrounded by family. Everett Poole gave me pause. I finally mustered up the courage to enter what felt like a man cave, but was three friends engaged in a cribbage game. Not an ideal time to make introductions. However, in the past couple of years, his features softened, and I made a point to stop and say hello, and he was always welcoming and happy to chat. It was a relief that I could let go and have a sense of peace, because all three had long and interesting lives as well as supportive and loving families.

I had my second shingles shot last week at Conroy’s, which has an online appointment program for vaccinations. I followed Tammy’s advice, using a cold compress all evening, however the next day I couldn’t get out of bed, was achy and had chills. I suffered one day, and was back to myself the following day, my arm still tender, but improved substantially by bedtime. The shots are a lot easier than the long-term effects I know some suffer from. Because of that one day, mostly in bed and eating just an egg and half cup of broth, I was finally able to start that 21-day Standard Process cleanse, and feel so much relief besides being overall less hungry.

North Tabor Farm would love someone to build them a Little Free Library. Plans are available at, and please contact Rebecca Miller at

I hope families and teachers are all enjoying their mid-winter break.

Author Tom Dresser is looking for stories Vineyarders might have heard about “Prohibition, flappers or women’s right to vote,” for his upcoming book on the Island in the Roaring Twenties. A lot happened in that era, and this is a chance to share a tale or photo from a century ago. Contact Tom at

Wednesday, March 9, 5 pm is the deadline for candidates to submit nomination papers for the certification of voter signatures for an office that will appear on the April 27 annual town election ballot. See for positions available and for more information about nomination papers.

Learn more about becoming a foster parent; please attend the 11 am to 1 pm Saturday, March 12, foster parent informational meeting with local foster parents and professionals. You and your children are welcome. Feel free to call or text with any questions, or RSVP to Elexis Wildanger at 508-326-1155. Applications to start the process will be available upon request.

The Chilmark library hosts Tom Silver for “Hokusai and Japan in the Floating World,” a lecture about Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849), his life and times, and his influence on European artists on Wednesday, March 2, at 6 pm. Join Peaked Hill Studio’s Yoga class free online Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. Email to sign up and get the Zoom program links. Patrons 8 and older can subscribe to the monthly Chilmark Book Box with library books, toys, snacks, and more. Learn more and register at To receive an April subscription box, register between March 1 and 22. If you are already subscribed, you do not need to resubscribe. Take and Make crafts continues on Thursdays.

Pathways Arts is closed this week. For online program links, films, and inspiration, see

The Chilmark Community Church Sunday 9 am services are held on Zoom, the Meeting ID is 890 298 4151, password 332743, or join at

Check It’s a Chilmark Thing on Facebook for up-to-date information about our town and Island.

Have a good week.