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Marina Pessoni and Deborah Chagas in front of the fountain at Ernie Boch Jr.'s estate in Edgartown. — Collette Jordan

From left, Nolan Carreiro, Keissila Cecillio, Emilia Hege, and Hugh Barrett stand in front of an elegant staircase. — Collette Jordan

From left, Kira Wildanger, Kasarah Bruni, Connor McGrath, Keissila Cecillio, and Emilia Hege at the Boch property in Edgartown ahead of Saturday's prom. — Collette Jordan

From left, Emmanuell De Oliveira, Jared Davenport, Mekai Jones, Colin McNamee, and Robert Manning have some fun for the cameras. — Collette Jordan

From left, Ashley Cardoso, Lucas Goncalves, Lucas Motta, Clarissa Pinto, Elayna Coelho and Ray Rodrigues. — Collette Jordan

Erika Mulvey, Class of 2022 Advisor, with Island Alpaca's Hot Shot (right) and Leonardo. — David Hannon

Gracie Scheller (left) and Ingrid Moore with Island Alpaca's Hot Shot (right) and Leonardo — David Hannon
Students at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School gathered at the property of Ernie Boch Jr. in Edgartown Saturday to take photographs in their formal attire. The prom itself was held at the West Chop Club.