Cribbage results


The Vineyard Cribbage Club met with 23 players on Wednesday evening at the American Legion Hall in Edgartown for another fun night of our favorite game. The results are as follows: 

First place, Tim Hurlbert with a 12/6 +62 card
Second place, Tricia Bergeron with a 12/5 +107 card
Third place, Collin Evanson with a 11/5 +109 card
Fourth place, Bo Picard with a 10/4 +95 card
Fifth place, Rick Burbidge with a 9/4 +65 card
Sixth place, George Giosmas with a 9/4 +63 card

Congratulations to Tim for his Grand Slam: the perfect card by winning all six of his games.

There were seven 24-point hands: Mike Smith had 2; Lucy Smith, Suzanne Cioffi, George Giosmas (in the crib), Collin Evanson, and Tony Rezendes. There was one 23-point hand by Collin Evanson. There were two 21-point hands, by Ed Montesion and George Giosmas.

If you like cribbage and can play a game in 20 minutes or less, come and join us! We play every Wednesday at the American Legion Hall in Edgartown. We start at 6 pm sharp!