Aquinnah: Music and food

—MV Times

I don’t know about you, but after the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and the deaths of so many people by guns in America, this year alone, I’m not really in the mood to celebrate our country. A country that isn’t interested in freedom for all of its people, that does nothing to stop the wholesale slaughter of its children, and does nothing to protect the most vulnerable among us. This democracy is failing, hard and fast. But it is Fourth of July weekend, and this is Martha’s Vineyard, and we will be besieged by throngs of visitors, and if we don’t put on a happy face, there will be financial consequences, so here we are.

This year’s “vehicular” Fourth of July Parade will start lining up on Moshup Trail at 10 am, and kick off at 11 am. There’s a trophy for best decorated float, so get creative, folks. Once again, due to the pandemic, there will be no treasure hunt on Philbin. There will be, however, a town picnic at the Vanderhoop Homestead following the parade. Food and drink will be provided, but people are welcome to bring their own as well. There will be a craft table for the kids and a sprinkler for them to cool off. Bring bathing suits and towels so you can run through the sprinkler or walk down to the beach. There will be some picnic tables, but you may want to bring a blanket.

Vinyasa yoga with Neva Goldstein is happening every Monday and Wednesday morning at 9 am. Classes are $20 each, and Neva will be teaching on Monday, July 4.

Cliffhangers is open again! Stop by for some of their amazing sesame noodles and organic soft-serve ice cream.

Pathways Arts will host a silent disco party at Owen Park on Friday, July 1. There will be music and food from 5 to 9 pm, and then the dancing starts at 9 pm. Music will be played via individual headsets; bring ID to use, so the party stays “silent.” Everyone is welcome, and the party is free.

Island Grown Initiative will host its summer lunch program again this summer. From July 11 to August 19, you can come to the high school between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to get a free lunch. There is late pickup available from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, too. Register at

Kara Taylor’s Gallery is open for the season. She is open Thursday through Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm. The gallery is located at 24 South Road in Chilmark.

Sending much love to the Chilmark Tavern. Two weeks ago Mike Muraco, who was a sous-chef at the Tavern for three seasons, died suddenly. Mike ran the grill, but also sometimes manned the fry station. If you ever had the fried chicken specials they would run on occasion, that was Mike’s doing. Mike had the biggest heart, and it showed in the food he made for everyone. While he did not come back to the Tavern this summer, he is forever a part of the family there, and is missed by all.

I wish I could say that was the end of tragedy for the Tavern, but last week, one of their new line cooks, Micah Anderson, died in a horrible car accident. Another chef was injured but survived. Micah was young (28), and new to the Island, hailing originally from Michigan. He worked hard and did an excellent job at a difficult station. Staff at the Tavern is of course rocked by both of these events happening together. Have a little patience with the staff, and be as kind as you can.

So nice to see my neighbors, Patrick and Kristen McHugh, here for an early summer vacation. They have a new puppy, and they will be joined by their daughter, Kate, this week. Welcome back to Rachel and Mike McDonald, who are here for the summer. Happy birthday to Siobhan Wescott, who celebrates on July 1. I hope you pass through the Island this summer, Siobhan.